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Home·Reno Rules

Category: Reno Rules

If you're looking to renovate your house, you've probably already discovered that it's not always easy to envision what the space could look like. If you've got a great vision in your head, then good for you! But if not, don't despair because we've got some tips and tricks that will help get your brain …

Got an itch to renovate? Starting a reno but just have no idea what to tackle and how to make it all come together? Have you always wanted to renovate and don't know where to start? No idea on budget? How to buy in a hot market, or what costs are involved? What about the …

Demolition One of the best parts of renovating but also the messiest is the demolition. It's the fun part that enables you to take out all your stress for the day by smashing some tiles or ripping up carpet. There is no reason as to why you can't complete 90% of the demo work yourself. …

It's been a wild 18 months. If you follow along often you'll know that I've had some big changes... anyway, that's not what I'm here for today because I wanted to give you an update on where I'm at with the renovations! Early this year I finished a reno on a little house that I …

Got an itch to renovate? Starting a reno but just have no idea what to tackle and how to make it all come together? Book your private online consult with me, receive access to the private Facebook group, get all the Reno Rules modules and you'll be on your way to saving money and getting …

Another bathroom reno done! This one was finished at the end of January. It wasn't smooth sailing but I'm happy with how it turned out. There was asbestos so it was a full strip, clean and re-do just about everything. It cost a little more, but it actually wasn't too bad. It was under $8k …

  The laundry renovation is almost done. Just some paint and a new door handle. But you can see the before photos below. The very last photo is from 2018 I think, and then some of the house had been painted in 2020 before I bought this year. It wasn't pretty!  This room also has …

1. Study It’s tough to stay unemotional when renovating a home for profit. The first thing you’ll need to do is learn about which improvements will add value based on the size, current market and who is likely to buy the home. 2. Budgeting It’s so important to stick to your budget and you need …

With this house came a very ugly bar situated in a rumpus room (it was added on at some stage). This reno was done on a budget and while I thought long and hard about getting rid of it all, I just knew it would cost money with the ceiling and floors. The floors were …

Its been a long year trying to get this house finished and ready to Airbnb. There were some unnecessary and ridiculous issues with council, some asbestos (which is fine but takes time to sort), time delays with tradies and just a lot of hours doing DIY makes things harder than they probably needed to be. …

Another before and after. 🤩 Here’s the kitchen! It just has a few finishing touches to go. The whole space was ripped apart, walls re-sheeted, a door filled in, bulkhead built and the cabinetry was all DIY from Kaboodle through Bunnings. What a huge job! I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. Head …

Here’s another before and after bedroom. It’s almost done! Just some skirting and patching around the shutter. I absolutely promise this is the same room. When I first looked at it, it only had a single bed and the window was off centre. I realised they’d put in built-in-robes at some stage which took out …

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