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Feel like an easy DIY project this weekend? What about making a cactus or succulent bowl? Hard to kill these little fellas, they are cheap to buy and look great all clumped together. Now when I say “hard to kill” I mean it’s not impossible and I have killed my…

Tiles can cause headaches in a reno. Not having enough or choosing too many feature tiles which throws off the look of a space, are just some of the problems that crop up when renovating a bathroom. If you’re about to embark on a new reno, here are 5 tiling…

We all know a cactus is pretty hard to kill (but not impossible ha!). But if you’re looking for a little bit of greenery with some interesting shapes, then a cactus in a pot will be perfect. Pop them on a shelf, group some taller styles in a corner, or…

Some people renovate to sell, others renovate to improve their current home. The rewards are usually 2 things – money or satisfaction (or a mix of both!). Renovating a home can be a very stressful experience and it can be messy and painful if you aren’t sure where to start. Here’s 5 tips…

If you can get your hands on some rugged looking cactus plants then you should grab them, put them in a mixture of pots and baskets and create a really cool grouped display. I see lots of weird and wonderful cacti pop up on my local buy swap sell Facebook…

I don’t mind a bit of op shopping and trawling through local second-hand stores. It is true what they say, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. And with a bit of creativity and a lick of paint, anything can look new again. But there are a few items that…

Setting up an Airbnb and don’t know what to buy? I have this list ready to go! Here is a complete shopping list created in Google Sheets so you can download and edit for yourself. Use as a checklist, a budgeting source and record keeper. I’ve added some of the…

Have you always wanted that black and white flip clock screensaver for your computer? It’s not easy to find, and I often get asked about it when someone sees my computer. Most people wonder whether it’s a built-in option, but it’s actually a screensaver. Here it is on my computer if you’re not…

Mirrors move energy around your home in lots of different ways. And if you’re a fan of Feng Shui (or even just energy!), then you’ll want to know where you shouldn’t be placing a mirror. 1. In the bedroom Mirrors can create all kinds of illusions and attribute to insomnia.…

Another bathroom reno done! This one was finished at the end of January. It wasn’t smooth sailing but I’m happy with how it turned out. There was asbestos so it was a full strip, clean and re-do just about everything. It cost a little more, but it actually wasn’t too…