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Grouped cactus ideas + things you should know

If you can get your hands on some rugged looking cactus plants then you should grab them, put them in a mixture of pots and baskets and create a really cool grouped display. I see lots of weird and wonderful cacti pop up on my local buy swap sell Facebook groups. I love the desert …


If you can get your hands on some rugged looking cactus plants then you should grab them, put them in a mixture of pots and baskets and create a really cool grouped display. I see lots of weird and wonderful cacti pop up on my local buy swap sell Facebook groups. I love the desert vibes they give you with their irregular shapes and gorgeous green tones.

A cactus is practically unkillable. Well, to be truthful it’s been done before (by me!). Eeekkk… But if you’re clever you could also buy a couple of artificial ones to add to your collection. Slip those with the real ones and no one will ever know! 😉

Check out these lovely photos followed by some cactus care tips below…

Cactus care tips

1.   Water

If you don’t water them at all they will still survive because most have originated from the desert, but it doesn’t mean they will thrive. So a little bit of water here and there will do them good. A general rule is to water your cacti every 3-5 weeks (less in the cooler months).  Cacti grow best when they are allowed to fully dry out between drinks. If it looks limp at any point then it usually means you need to water less often. Use this tool to help you decide on when to water them.

2.   Sun

Because they are born from the desert, then yup they’ll need some pretty good sunlight. Although they will survive in darker areas of your home for a few months, eventually they will be needing some light. If you can pop them outside every few weeks for a good dose of sun that will help.

3.   Soil

It is best to buy the proper potting mix for your cacti collection. It’s especially designed to help retain water between drinks. Most mixes contain little rocky bits to allow for better drainage. If you already have normal potting mix at home, then you can still use it, but mix in some gravel/rocky bits.

♥ KC.

images 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Dudi Daun

    June 3, 2018

    Simple decoration with cactus plant. interesting and really make the decor more lively … good job

  2. Sukhi

    June 6, 2018

    It’s so interesting how plants have become their own design aesthetic. They are such an easy way to add color and personality to a space. The hardest part is keeping them alive, which is why cacti are such great options 🙂

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