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Browsing CategoryPlants

So you’re looking to expand your green space, but not sure where to start? You’ve come to the right place! While every houseplant is different and may have varying needs, some care tips are common across the board. Do not overwater. Let excess water drain out of the pot. Fertiliser…

Bathrooms are tricky places to grow plants. Only because there is often low light, a lot of warmth and moisture. Not all indoor plants love these environments. Tropical plants are probably best suited. Today I have 6 indoor plants that would love to live in your bathroom. They are pretty hardy…

How do all the plants on tv shows, in magazines or in the plant shop have such lovely shiny lush leaves?? Well not only is it because they want them to look good, they also want them to grow and thrive! Dust is everywhere and it’ll settle on the surface…

The rubber plant has won my heart. It’s becoming my favourite indoor plant. It’s better than the fiddle leaf if you ask me! Big call I know, but look at those leaves! They are thicker, more defined in shape and the colour is stunning. The leaves don’t droop or become…

You’re either a lover or hater of ornamental grass. It comes in lots of colours and textures and can be wild and bushy. If your style is contemporary then this garden will suit. It gives a bold impact to your landscaping. It’s decorative and low-maintenance so you can’t really go…

A hanging plant can fill a corner in an instant. Take your house plants up off the ground and on to the walls, hanging from ceilings, put on shelves or even in a plant stand. Below are 10 hanging plants you could add to your home. Most of them are…

Indoor plants aren’t going anywhere. It’s seems this trend is evolving each year, with a new trending plant to try in a living room corner or home office. Real plants offer health benefits within the home, but one can be wary about keeping indoor plants alive. Especially if your thumb…

Who is obsessed with indoor plants? ME! If you didn’t already guess ha! Today I’ve put together 9 coffee table books for the indoor plant lover. Not only do they look good, you’ll also learn a thing or two about how to care for your green friends. Here’s where you’ll…

Hi there! A few days ago I collated a blog post on ways you can use plants to decorate your home. Today I thought I’d share an image I put together on some indoor plants for beginners. These would be my favourite plants and I have a few myself. The…