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My home at night

It's so dark and so cold very early in the evenings around here. Wagga can be pretty miserable in the Winter. Today we start 2 weeks school holidays and these are always the worst block. Today (and most of the week) it will be cold and and overcast with tops of 10 degrees! My boys …


It’s so dark and so cold very early in the evenings around here. Wagga can be pretty miserable in the Winter. Today we start 2 weeks school holidays and these are always the worst block. Today (and most of the week) it will be cold and and overcast with tops of 10 degrees! My boys never cope well with these holidays.

Plus, trying to toilet train a puppy and tile our back verandah all in these conditions makes for a crazy Chambo household!

Anyway, above is a photo of my home at night. I rarely step outside in the evenings because I rather the daylight hours. Last week I ducked out for a few groceries and took a snap on my way back in. There’s one poor little rose which needs to be replaced. Also, tell me, I bought white roses and they’ve flowered beautifully a few times, but this time round there are a lot of pink roses?! What’s that about?

I hope you get through the school holidays. I will rug my boys up and send them on their bikes when I can. They need to use some energy occasionally!

Happy Monday. ♥ KC.

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Chrissie Taylor

    June 30, 2014

    Katrina, check for white curl grub in your rose garden. We lost an entire hedge and thought it was the summer heat, but having had previous bad experiences with white curl grub, I suspected this may have been the issue. So I dug out one plant and sure enough, it was infested with the grubs. Once they get into your garden, they destroy the plants by eating the root system, and usually you don’t know they are there until it’s too late. Dig the rose out carefully, and then dig about the depts of your shovel and check for any grubs……you will know if you find one. They are gross! Good luck! As for your pink rose, I have no answers…are they David Austin (the best roses in my opinion)? If so, you shouldn’t have any issues with colours.. 😉

  2. Anna

    June 30, 2014

    It’s something to do with the pH in the soil. pH can affect the colours of your flowers. You need to do a soil test with a kit and then add whatever you need to the soil. Stay warm xx

  3. Nina Gaynor

    June 30, 2014

    My roses are the same Katrina, they are white iceburgs from Junee plant sale. When they are first blooming they are a light pink and then turn white. I have about 20 in a row, only a couple used to do it now a lot of them are. I don’t mind the look of it though…Im not much of a gardener so Im just hoping it doesn’t mean something’s wrong.

  4. Sarah

    June 30, 2014

    White roses need much warmer weather as the buds are being produced to stay white, otherwise the pink genome is produced more commonly when a new flower bud is being made. So it’s the sudden drop in temperature.

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