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Find your flow and row, row, row

I saw this quote on Pinterest and it really struck a chord with me! Find your flow and row, row, row. I love it. YES, that’s what I am doing right now. If you are on my email list you would have received a letter from me last week with a bit of an update on where I am going with things. Here’s some of that letter…

The last few months have been pretty epic for me. If you follow along with my blog and Instagram you might have noticed some slight shift in the direction I have been travelling…

This year I knew it was time I changed where I wanted to be in life and it was time to do things differently. For me, my health has been a huge drama for many years and now that I’m feeling like a brand new person, I thought it was time to shift my focus (not change what I’ve been doing, but rather add some new layers!).

With that came a need to start getting out more. My bestie and I started trawling Facebook events locally and went to just about everything we could! We’ve both had major changes in our lives this year and we are both in our early 40s. Call it a mid-life whatever, but we were on a path to feeling better, changing old habits and just getting shit done! We didn’t want to break any records, or be famous, or earn a million dollars (although we wouldn’t complain haha), we just wanted to be GOOD at stuff, and feel the best we could.

This lead me to attending an essential oils workshop, a crystal healing workshop, a full moon ceremony, an abundance session, and I’ve recently signed up for a 4 week mindfulness workshop. I’m a workshop groupie now! In this new found wellness I was determined to do everything I could to stay that way. I needed to add things to help me and I wanted to change my energy levels, my moods and hormones, and just stay on top of things.

Sooooo…. while interior design is my TRUE passion, I’ve also decided to integrate some more real stuff in to my blog and Instagram pages. I want to chat more about health, motivation, happiness and THE WHOLE HOME. If you’re healthy then your mind is healthy, so is your family, your business, your relationships. I have a place to compare myself to – and that was this time last year. It wasn’t a great space to be in. Now I can see that wellness (and me being the Mum and the main person in our house) has helped to change everything here at home. If I’m not well, then no one in my house truly is either. Does that makes sense?

I hope you stick with me along this road. I know you might see a lot of essential oils, random quotes and a little bit of woo woo and crystals here and there (haha), but I know it’s also helping many people too who also need a good pick-me-up. Interior design, DIY and organisation will STAY, but I’ll also be sprinkling it with a bit of  natural goodness here and there.

I’ve been busily holding essential oils workshops in my home over the past few weeks. This has allowed me to connect with lots of people and share thoughts on wellness and balance. It’s also been helping ME more than I knew. That’s because my thoughts never stop about how can I be more productive, more clear and more energized. I’ve loved every bit of it.

I’ve also taken on waaayyyy too much work lately, but that’s a good thing! I am taking it on so that I can work out WHERE I really want to put my energy long term. A few things have become clearer and I am enjoying the ride.

When I used to see the words “self-care” I would cringe. It seemed so self-indulgent. BUT I NOW GET IT. It’s taken years of being miserable and unwell (then coming out the other side) to realise that’s exactly what I had been missing.

Here’s what’s been helping me with my ZEN…

  • Essential Oils – for better moods, sleep, calmness – not just me but this is for my WHOLE FAMILY.
  • Plants – I need more in my life because they are a stress buster and air-cleaner.
  • Good energy in the home – clean, clutter free and more organised.
  • Positive talk at home – from everyone. No screeching, no teasing, no bagging people out.
  • Healing crystals – visually appealing and big energy holders.
  • More sleep – simple.

So, hang with me (or not!) while I share a few more of these airy-fairy ideas. I’m determined to keep my face always toward the sunshine. Are YOU?

Love, Katrina. ♥

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