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Category: Uncategorized

I heart him this much....Hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day!PS. Yes it hurt and I had it done after the birth of our second baby on my lower back (incase you wondering if that is my stomach or back!).Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much …

As I sit here pondering the thing I SHOULD do, HAVE to do and WANT to do today, a heaviness is in my heart for what is happening close by. This picture is of the smoke in my background and over our whole town. We don't live close enough to be affected directly, but close …

The roof is done. The bricks are almost done (these photos are from a few days ago). I am still finalising floorboards and the kitchen. I have samples everywhere and my husband is driving me mad with the floor!We just got a new TV and now I deciding whether I want lots of built in …

Only half got finished today....the weather is awful.As I type this it's 9.30pm and still 35C (95F)!!!!!I have so many blogs to visit. I am sorry for being a bad friend. I will get around to everyone in the next few days :)Katrina xxxxThanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I …

In my last post I mentioned the hot hot weather. Well during the week we had some HUGE summer storms. Everywhere was flooding! Our back fence fell off, a big pot smashed, the dog ran away.... it was a deluge! So as a result, the roof trusses went onto your house, but not the actual …

This is how hot it feels here in Wagga Wagga, Australia at the moment. We can't sleep, everyone is sweaty (not to mention those bum cracks above!), and I feel lethargic. I shouldn't be complaining, because I really hate cold weather, but I think 38-41C (well over 100F) is a little extreme. My poor roofing …

This is it! Paid for. Done. Ordered. And no more changing my mind.I am rapt and almost squealing with delight. My husband is worse I think. How can people get so excited over doors??! These will suit my house style beautifully and will be set under the portico, so when driving past they will only …

I have spent the day umming and ahhing about bar stools. I have decided on these and ordered 3. They will be here in about 3 weeks. Yay!!!!!!!They were from ...The Complete Garden and the website is here.

www.colorcubic.comI have spent the day culling and cleaning things out. Although we are not moving for another 5 months, I thought I would start disposing of unnecessary junk now. It gets hectic when the kids go back to school and I start back working fulltime next week. So with today being the start of a …

Thank you to those loyal readers! I had stacks of emails and some comments. I am glad you are sticking around.I am making the final changes to my house on Wednesday, plans will go into council and building SHOULD begin early December. I am very excited!!!For now here are the handles I have bought for …

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