Hiya! Yesterday I was hunting for an old post and I found one that I wrote in March 2010. There's a LOT of old blog posts in here! 1,206 blog posts to be exact! Here's one I personally love... {image} Do you think Doctor’s read blogs? Well mine must have. After my big vent the …
Hiya! Yesterday I was hunting for an old post and I found one that I wrote in March 2010. There’s a LOT of old blog posts in here! 1,206 blog posts to be exact!
Here’s one I personally love…
Do you think Doctor’s read blogs? Well mine must have. After my big vent the other day here, they started ringing me that afternoon and I was in day surgery yesterday. Someone was looking out for me! I am all good, so I am happy now 🙂
Anyway, this leads me to a few funny anaesthetic stories. I have had my fair share of them over the years. I tend to say some stupid stuff when I am coming out of all the drugs. And I talk A LOT!
Yesterday I remember starting to wake and I had to make a fuss about the best thing that day…. “I got on the scales here before you started and I was happy with what they showed”. Why did I need to say that? Who cared? Must have been on my mind hahahaha!!!.
I have a tattoo on my lower back that says ‘Andrew’ and everytime I am coming out of the anaesthetic I make a point of saying loudly to all the nurses that “yes, my husband is Andrew”. I don’t know why I have to say it everytime, but I just do! I learnt years ago that someone was bound to ask me. Nurses are not shy! The funniest time was just before I had a caesarean and I rolled over for the needle to go into my back and the Anaesthetist asked that question (my husband was in the next room kitting up in his gown). I laughed and laughed because yes it would have been rather embarrassing having a baby and the tattoo was of another man’s name..
Then another time I had had a spray tan and caused quite a discussion about it. Obviously the nurses had been talking about it before I woke up. Next thing I know people in the next curtain room (patients) are yelling out asking me about it. Again – NO SECRETS in hospital!.
Another time I had a big skin cancer taken off my forehead and had stitches. I remember starting to wake up and really loudly I went on and on asking them to put me back to sleep and could the Doctor please perform an eyelift while he had the knife and stitches out (why I need to do this I don’t know!)..
I become very chatty and can’t stop rambling….!.
My girlfriend and my sister-in-law were both in at the same time having surgery last week. My sister-in-law was telling me she could hear them yelling quite loudly at my friend at least 15 times to try and wake her. I laughed so hard because she is terrible to wake in the mornings anyway, so she would have been quite happy to snooze her head off there for the rest of day. She asked me yesterday “is it really bad to enjoy day surgery?” She said the warm blanket, the snoozing, the peace and the cup of tea was heaven! She remembered having a conversation with the Doctor about his big pineapples, but doesn’t know why! And then a conversation started circling in the recovery room about her ‘fresh’ pubic area. One nurse even came over and asked for a look!!! Funny. Again, no secrets in hospital. My friend was not at all perturbed about this, but can’t stop laughing at how they couldn’t understand why she likes that area so clean!
So do you have any funny anaesthetic stories?
Have a great day! xx
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Ha funny!!!!
Yes, long before I had children, I was going in for some gyno work, and I said to Dr Currie just as I was given my pre med: “Dr, If we have a boy, please remember to circumcise him”!!!
And then with my first ceaser, I had low blood pressure, and anaesthetic was re adjusted, then, when our son was born, and the Dr showed him to my husband and I, I said “wow he has a big scrotum….just like his dad”!!!! My husband was NOT impressed…….
We did IFV with this child, and I hen remember becoming hysterical as his nose was very very flat and I was freaking out that there was a mix up in the lab with embryos etc……ahhhh, I was then given a mild sedative as I broke out in hives from the anaesthetic……
Very eventful indeed!!! I have plenty more similar stories…..I can’t handle anaesthetic at all….blah
When I was little girl I had to have some surgery and they had put the numbing cream on both my arms in case they couldn’t get a needle into one. Apparently as I lay on the table the anaethetist put some in one arm and then I casually said “well, are you going to do the other one?” – needless to say I was sound asleep before he could answer.
In regards to waking up from anaesthetic thats not quite so fun, I tend to projectile vomit. Poor Mum after a day surgery I had was about 100m from the hospital and it went all through the car. Otherwise a few nurses have copped it over the years too.