Back of the house.Roof is definitely being finished (sheeted with colorbond) tomorrow. Bricks are there and a few courses will go on tomorrow. Yay!Tex playing a preschool orientation which was yesterday. How happy does he look????? Well, today was a different story! He actually had to go all day on his own today and he …

Katrina x
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Tags:My Family
House looks great!!! They would have rang you if he was too upset. You can ring them ANYTIME they won't mind. A bit of a shame Lisa wasn't there today and probably to hot for bikes outside.
A Bite of Country Cupcakes
Wow you have a house!!!
Moving along quickley!!
My lil girl went to orientation on Wednesday and loved it…I guess we will see about ti monday when she goes for real.
I have My Son starting school at 8.50 her at Preschool 7mins away starting at 9am!!!! Aghhhhhh
Wow the house is really starting to take shape, thank god the weather has been hot so you get it done within the allocated time, imaging doing all of this in winter, no thanks!
Glad to hear Tex is enjoying preschool. Did the older two go off to school ok?
Have a fab weekend.
Sarah xxx