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Home·Crohn’s Disease

Tag: Crohn’s Disease

Sometimes the world gets rough. Sickness takes over and you feel down in the dumps. We've all been sick at some stage and usually it passes with a cold or a bug. But if you do have a long term illness or disease it's a different challenge. I've had Crohn's Disease for 26 years and I've …

This post is for anyone who has an auto immune disease.... it's forever there. You know what it's like! You look good on the outside and you're pretty capable of most day-to-day activities but every few weeks something kicks you up the bum and reminds you you still have a disease bubbling away under the …

For about 12 months I'd been following the Happy Hormones Facebook group. This is run by Lisa Curry. Head over there and check it out. I have no association with them, nor is this paid. Just sharing the love! I'd read hundreds and hundreds of success stories from women with multiple issues - like sleep, …

I've been a little quiet over here and that's not usually me! I have always written on my blog daily (well pretty much) and since December I have been a real hit and miss. I think I've needed some time out, and over the next month I don't expect to be blogging much again. I …

Hey there! Scroll by guys if this post isn't for you :) ... but I wanted to share a little update on my Crohn's journey and I feel a little bit stuck, so sometimes it's just good to write about it... I've been patiently waiting for my doctor to get back to me about a …

Scroll on by people if this isn't your thing. I know, I will return to my normal pretty things tomorrow. ;) BUT seeing as I'm online a lot, I thought it's only fair to sometimes keep it real! May is awareness month for Crohn's and I've been asked to be of their promo this year. …

I've been under the weather - fancy not blogging for almost a week! Sorry guys, but I couldn't bring myself to write anything this week. Last week I started feeling unwell, I knew I had an abscess forming. If you're new to my blog, I have had crohn's disease for 20 years. Anyhoo, I knew …

Hi there! Today I thought I'd catch you up on what's been going on in my world with Crohn's disease... and I'm pleased to say not a lot is happening with it at the moment! You know I have shared a lot about my low moments thanks to this disease but I thought it would …

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