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Category: Uncategorized

Country Living.It's official.....we will be living in the new house from Monday 27th April. I am feeling very excited.It's finally here! While there is still so much to do after we move in (timber deck, turf, gates, blinds, shutters.....) I am really looking forward to getting all my pretty things out again.I think my taste …

This is beginning of the ensuite above. A mirror is to go between the pebble tiles. Then you can see little holes in the top pebble section and this is where the sets of Hollywood lights are going.Powder room vanity on the right and bathroom through the door. This area has all been grouted and …

This could be a long one, so get ready!The photo above was taken by my husbands phone very early this morning. The pressed metal tin splashback is going on in the kitchen. I looked at it a few hours ago and it's all glued into place, the join has been filled and it's getting a …

My handsome and gorgeous Tex had a 4th Birthday. Look at the rocket cake his Aunty made him! She is so clever :)Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email

My kitchen guy got it right! I was a little worried, but it has all come together.Windows are all taped up and painting is about to start.Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter …

Katrina's Formal Lounge Room - by katrinachambers on Polyvore.comWell the room is not really that formal at all, but it's just what people call it. "The good room", "The sitting room"...whatever you like. Anyway, it's a room away from the main living areas. I already have all of this furniture very similar so I don't …

Katrina's Family Room - by katrinachambers on Polyvore.comOk, so as promised I finally got around to finishing this. I have just bought 2 x 3-seater chouches in a gunmetal grey similar to above. I have the side table (similair to this) and the coffee table already. I also have most of these bits and pieces …

I will be getting some of this for the kids playroom. You can buy here.Update: Kylie - I won't be letting the kids draw on it haha...I am with you, they would then draw on every wall!! It's for photos. Just looks great as a feature.Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you …

This shade will be going in my formal lounge.Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email

My vanity for the Ensuite.Loving the laundry so far. Still have feature tiles, cornice, tub etc to go in.The start of my kitchen. Ahhhh it rocks.... Still has my fabulous concealed rangehood, mantle and corbels, glass cabinets, cornice (crown moulding), stone bench tops, knobs, handles, appliances.... but I am loving it so far!This is how …

The house is looking more like the house I had envisaged. The cornice is on, the walls are plastered. The doors have arrived and are being hung over the next week - meaning we are at 'fix out' stage.My kitchen has been baked. It was supposed to go in today. Not without some drama of …

My kitchen man says he has the "concealed rangehood, flat bottom with mantle and corbels" all sorted. I hope so. This is a must in my kitchen. It had better look exactly like these!Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: …

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