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Category: Decorative

You know me, always looking for ways to give my home a quick refresh, I get bored easily. I can change my mind daily about styling my home. Sometimes all you need is a day at home, changing things up to make you feel like you've overhauled your home. It can be as simple as …

Sunny weather always makes me want to rearrange everything in my house especially a sideboard! Out with the moody, dark Winter colours and in with the bright, fun stuff. I usually pack up the throw rugs and heavy cushions too. I decided to paint a new canvas last week and I've been moving that around …

Brought to you by Reed Gift Fairs. Have you been to Reed Gift Fairs? Oh, you must! It's the top place to find amazing brands for your homewares and gift shop. Plus there's some great prizes you can win too. Reed Gift Fairs is back in Melbourne next month (August 4-8) across not one but …

If you love candles you know they can sometime be expensive to buy, plus they are usually gone before you know it, so it’s handy to know how to make sure you get the most out of them. We use candles as a display item, for the fragrance or to encourage relaxation. You will find …

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by today. I thought I'd hunt out some ways to display your photos at home. If you're like me, you need a push to even get them printed out these days. Most of mine sit on my phone or Instagram, but I really do enjoy them more when they are …

[source] Deciding on bar stools for your kitchen or outdoor area isn't an easy task! There are so many to choose from and picking the right style/colour/height can have you in a tizz. They can also make a huge statement in your kitchen. Today I thought I'd share 12 of the best ones I could …

The beaded chandelier is very popular at the moment. They are really making a statement! I love the tones - black, natural, white, grey and you can even get aqua or pale pink! They would look great over a dining table, or in an entry. The huge ones are very expensive, but you could find …

I am very partial to a Protea! Whether that be a fake one, a live one, a painting... whatever. I just love them. There's something about their shape, wild nature and subtle colour that draws me in. Here are some ideas on how and where to use a Protea if you love them too! I …

Today I thought I'd share 9 dining chairs you can buy online and have delivered straight to your door. I recently purchased number 4 for a display home and they are fantastic. Not uncomfortable, look great and make the space look bigger. I do also like number 8 because they are simple. Anyone got the wishbone's? What's …

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] I don't own a horse nor do I have much to do with them, but I am smitten with this horse print trend. My sister owns a horse plus she has the big Lone Mustang print (below 6th shopping link) and it's amazing! Beautiful real photography (especially in the black and white) is really making a …

If you think you'd like a feature wall somewhere in your house, but don't want to choose a paint colour or wallpaper pattern, then you could look at using a floorboard or timber panel to achieve a more natural and rustic look. There are so many colours to choose from in this range. You could …

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