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Who is coming back as man?

Why do we have to age? Why can’t we look young forever?

I think the older we get, the harder things become….

I mean, maintaining yourself is hard work some days! I am not at all obsessed with looking after myself, but I certainly care about it. I sometimes hate waking up in the mornings because there seems so much to do to get myself out the door looking passable to deal with people.

It’s not only the day-to-day rituals but it’s the ongoing maintenance that is really tiresome. Why can’t I just get up, slick my hair back and wear the same thing every day, and not age at all??!!

Even showering some days is a chore. Washing hair, exfoliating, scrubbing my heels, shaving my legs, scrubbing my face….

Followed by the painstaking task of trying to find something to wear. Does it match? Where is that bra, what colour shoes? Belt, no belt? Skirt, tights, or pants? Earrings match? Did I wear that 2 days ago? Who will I see today?

Face cream, makeup, blow dry hair, and then the chore of straightening my hair!

The list could go on. It’s a marathon some days.

But then there are those days when you have to add some sort of toner to your hair because your best friend (and hairdresser) says it looks yellow! Oh and I have to have this hair under control and neat every day because she will tell me “what’s doing with your hair today?” all sweet and innocence with a smile, but really she is thinking “what’s the hell is Katrina doing with her hair?”

Then your sister-in-law (and waxer) tells you your eyebrows are touching your eyelashes, food is getting stuck in your lip hair and she can see my nose hairs (yes I wax my nose hairs – AMAZING! This is another story, but really you will never go back once you’ve had this done!).

That’s just the start of my week! What about the spray tan I love to have – how the hell can I keep up with it?? If I don’t keep up with it I look very conflicting as some days I look like I’ve just come home from holidays at the beach, or I look like I am seriously lacking in Vitamin D.

And even when I think I am on top of things, what happens when I put on a singlet top and notice I look like a monkey? I am shocking at this – but I roll on deodorant and grab my husband’s razor for quick hair removal under the armpits. My husband is always yelling at me for this, but what’s a girl to do? I usually have 3 kids under my feet (there is absolutely NO privacy in my house no matter how hard I try).

I thought I may have been at the end of this post, but I just looked at my fingernails…the polish is chipped. That means another routine of removing and repainting my fingernails and toenails – I like them to match and this week I am loving orange!

My girlfriend bought the Shellac kit off ebay and I borrowed it last night… New toes and fingernails! Easy and awesome. I’ve had them done so many times before by beauty therapists, but I thought I might try it myself. Now I’m hooked. Santa, please bring me my own kit.

My newly shellac-ed nails I did myself last night. Bit messy here and there, but some more practice and they’ll be perfect!

Sooo….Who is coming back in the next life as a man? ME!


  • Brismod

    You’d have to pluck your ears, wax your back, shave your face daily and manscape your chest if you came back as a man. Same but different. There’s no escape.

    • Katrina (author)

      Is that all?? Well then I am def coming back as a man. My husband shaves his head. How good would that be!?

      • Brismod

        Ha! Jason shaves his head too. He doesn’t even own a comb. The ear hair concerns me though…!!

  • Cathy

    Oh, I always tell my husband I’m coming back as a man in my next life 🙂
    For hairwashing/upkeep alone it will be worth it! Lol

  • Jode

    But if you come back as a man, you couldn’t have pretty shellac nails!!! I love my Shellac kit too, it is the best, I actually now have nails that look half decent. Go on spoil yourself, or start throwing some really big hints, like signs plastered front and centre of the fridge! No-one can miss that because I imagine, your lot, like my lot NEVER stop eating! lol Have a great day. x Jode

  • Angela

    I bitterly complain every time we go to a wedding… Hair, Makeup, high heals, ridiculous ‘shaping’ underwear! Give me a suit and tie anyday!!!

  • Something Gorgeous

    I’m coming back as a man for sure. They can get ready in 5 minutes and look great. No wonder we are always tired, we have done a days work before we even leave home!

  • Leonie

    Nails look good, I have thought about getting the shellac kit, was it easy to put on yourself?

    • Katrina (author)

      Really easy! It’s just nail polish and then you bake it under the lamp.

  • julienne

    Moisturiser, lip gloss, shake of the head and I am gone! At my age I no longer worry about how I look the lines are there, they are life lines and I hope there are more of the laughter than the frowning! The wardrobe is easy care and all coordinates and apart from the very annoying mustache most of the hair has gone!
    But I am here with my family and friends little else matters.
    Katrina forget the straightener the curly hair really suits you as I did mention when you were on the block and you always look fresh as a daisy.

  • Kym

    He,he,he… would be soooo much easier….and the head shave….awesome 😉

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