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Training Wheels & My Family

Chevy took his training wheels off. Biggest boy! This means I really have no babies left in my house.PS. Crap photos ahead as I took all of these with my iphone....Found the little dude in the bath like this. Thought it was a cute picture so I couldn't resist.Chev turned 4 last week and I …


Chevy took his training wheels off. Biggest boy! This means I really have no babies left in my house.

PS. Crap photos ahead as I took all of these with my iphone….

Found the little dude in the bath like this. Thought it was a cute picture so I couldn’t resist.

Chev turned 4 last week and I took donuts to preschool for morning tea. Happy Birthday big boy.

We had a party later that day. Got to love the icecream cake. It’s always a winner! I am too lazy these days to make a cake. Those that have been following me for years would know I have made a few good ones early on in the piece. Not so interested lately!

This is what I culled out of my childrens’ wardrobes. All were donated. They grow so quick and my husband was losing it with me as every time he went to dress the boys I would say “not that, too small.” So I cleared it all out. Gee it felt good too.

Obvious that I have an 8 yr old obsessed with Swannies? He quietly did this in his room one arvo. I had to breathe deep on allowing this as you know me….

I woke to this. I have been so busy and things got a little out of control. Hey, I am only human! But I am happy to say it’s all under control and everything is now clean.


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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Julie-Ann

    September 12, 2010

    My goodness- all that washing- eek! It would take me a week to get through all of that. Your boys are so cute:)

  2. Amanda

    September 28, 2010

    He is SO adorable 🙂 My laundry looks the same at the moment which has reminded me, I have another load to hang out…

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