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The weekly face routine

I ain’t no beauty blogger and these days I’m considered as ‘mature age’ when it comes to my skin! Over the last 10 years I’ve hated my skin. Immuno-compromised, lots of medication, pigmentation, skin cancers (skin grafts too), dehydration... blah blah. Anyway, I’ve really been trying to take better care of it. I had some …


I ain’t no beauty blogger and these days I’m considered as ‘mature age’ when it comes to my skin! Over the last 10 years I’ve hated my skin. Immuno-compromised, lots of medication, pigmentation, skin cancers (skin grafts too), dehydration… blah blah. Anyway, I’ve really been trying to take better care of it. I had some treatments done last year at Complete Skin Wagga (you can see before & afters HERE). PLUS I’ve got rid of the chemicals I used to use on my face.

This is a Saturday morning thing I now do to look after my skin

• doTERRA mud mask first

• Wash with doTERRA Verage cleanser

• Then I shave my face (amazing!) with that little lipstick looking thing. It’s from Thin Lizzy.

• DIY microdermabrasion with the odd looking thing ? from Home Peel (I am addicted to it!)

• Give the face some colour with Eco Tan face water (let it dry for a while)

• Then a good moisturise with Verage from doTERRA

It sounds like a hassle, ha! But the face shaving and microdermabrasion is so good ?

My face feels so smooth afterwards. ♥ KC.

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.

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