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{At home on the weekend} 1. Finish your shopping now. If you can’t get to the shops, do it online. How long have you had? All year. The date just didn’t sneak up on you (lol!). Who wants to battle the crowds with all the other people who didn’t do…

Why do we have to age? Why can’t we look young forever? I think the older we get, the harder things become…. I mean, maintaining yourself is hard work some days! I am not at all obsessed with looking after myself, but I certainly care about it. I sometimes hate…

What is this we have here?? Very cool. I wouldn’t be able to pull it off though. But still, what kid wouldn’t love that mural and a bed on the floor?! Found here. I’m getting a new house next year and I get to decorate 3 little boy’s rooms. I…

Getting her hair done last week. I’m in the background taking the picture! Amie and my bestie Mel. Today Amie is saying goodbye to a school friend. A life taken far too young. It’s a sad day for Amie, the family and friends… I’m being very quiet here at home…

Today Cathy from The Camera Chronicles has written us a post about Bathrooms. Thanks Cathy, you have made me drool and long for my own sanctuary! Pop over and say hi to Cathy 🙂 “The only time the world beats a path to your door is if you’re in the…

This morning I have a GUEST POST from Kristie at Elements at Home. She is an interior designer, a mummy (with another on the way) and has an online homewares store. Check her out! Here’s what she wrote: So you have heard of colour blocking, you may love it or…

Are you a morning person or a night-owl? Where are you most productive in the day? Do you jump out of bed and get going for the day, or are you up late at night pottering and watching tv? Me? I’m up around 5am most mornings and I creep around…

This was me yesterday afternoon pre-fake-tan-wash-off. I was looking very dark! It was a different brand so I wasn’t used to how dark it went on. Thank goodness this morning I just have a nice glow now. I’m just about to head off to have my hair and makeup done…

This is my latest love. I was recommended this product by a lady who specialises in skin rejuvenation. I’ve been have lots of problems with my skin lately due to stress and medication. I’ve been diligently using this scrub and I cannot believe the difference! I am also having a few additional treatments…