Thanks to those who attended my class on Saturday. I know some of you were torn between the other class and me... so I promised I would put some of my class here on my blog. Plus those who didn't go have asked too... This is fully summarised so I hope it helps and makes some …
Thanks to those who attended my class on Saturday. I know some of you were torn between the other class and me… so I promised I would put some of my class here on my blog. Plus those who didn’t go have asked too…
This is fully summarised so I hope it helps and makes some sense 🙂
Have you put your best foot forward?
Have you set yourself a blog budget?
Have you asked someone to critique your blog?
Do you wonder if some of your readers have moved on from you because they see you’ve lost sight?
These are questions we all ask ourselves. Don’t worry, it happens to lots of us.
The best blogs have a design that meets the needs of your reader. Uncluttered, directional and purposeful.
Here is a checklist I printed in little cards and handed out. Feel free to download to PDF. 🙂
Good luck! Happy blogging!
PS. Share this post around if you can. I know lots of people could use this checklist!
Blog Design Checklist by The Media Maid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia License.
Based on a work at
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Thanks Katrina- some great tips!
Janine Fitzpatrick
Thank you so much for sharing Katrina – it was so difficult having to choose between the two sessions – I have no knowledge of blog design and even less on SEO – I kept wondering what was going on the other room and now I know! Really, really useful advice again thanks.
Rachel from Redcliffe Style
Fantastic and helpful. I’m going to have a serious look at my blog today and have your checklist beside me. Have a great day! Rachel
Mrs B
Hey Katrina…I know I have broken all the rules with my blog. Once I am ready (and committed to posting) I will contact you for help! Thanks heaps for the advise…now of to find a pic of me that looks half decent.
Mrs B xxx
You’re welcome! It’s not set in stone, so you don’t have to follow everything I say 🙂
Thankyou so much for this Katrina, just this week I took the plunge and added a photo and after reading this I’ve put a search button in too. I know I have a long way to go but hey…its a start.
Good work! X
Julie from New Start Sugar Free
Thanks, thanks and thank you for this.
Thanks Katrina for all those great tips, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my blog already follow several of those ‘rules’. I didn’t even know what a blog was when I contacted a web designer in 2009, just wanting a professional looking online presence for my furniture refinishing business. She told me that a blog would be best and I should be able to set it up myself. I did, and it was very clunky (I am kind of embarrassed now how awful it was, but we all start somewhere!). I have learnt alot over those years since, enough to change my blog around to suit me a bit better. It still needs some work but I am proud of what I have achieved myself (after many many late frustrating nights!) I HATE word verification and music too. The music one always gives me a fright when it starts up after I have already started reading!
Michelle Hayward
That was a huge help! I’m so sorry I missed Blogopolis even more so now 🙁 But it was great to read this! Thank you xx
Katrina you will be pleased to learn I took a deep breath and outed myself with a wee photo (kind of in disguise but non the less) and am hot footing it to find/wrangle/hopefully install this search button thingy of which you speak. My nerves need a kick start this morning.
If I take the plunge one day and get my blog sorted professionally you’ll be my go to girl. I’ve fluffed my way through tinkering with the design myself to learn how this blog caper works and that has been invaluable for me because I was terribly ignorant of computer stuff. Happily though I haven’t obliterated the entire blog yet and I give thanks to you for all your tips so freely given.
Hahaha, it looks lovely! X
Thanks (blushing)
Every time you give me tips it opens up a can of worms! Help..I have installed the Search gadget and enabled what I think should be correct in the settings and when I type in a topic, press search it displays No Results?
ps. in my next life I’m coming back as an IT expert 🙂
julie @ tractorgirl
great tips as always Katrina! I’ve still got to get some better pics of me – haha it’s one of those things I should get around to sooner than I feel like 😉
What Sarah Did Next
Thanks so much for putting this up, Katrina – having to choose which side of the room to go to was very difficult; I wanted to listen to everyone!
Thanks, Katrina. Much appreciated. Luckily, it’s school holidays so I might be able to snatch a bit more time to get some of these tips implemented. 🙂
Well done on the tips – concise, clear and sensible. 🙂
Was so lovely to meet you!
Sara @ ZaharaDessert
Thanks so much for your wonderful tips. Your masterclass was one of the best of the day – a BIG thank you as it was so beneficial.
I really enjoyed your session Katrina, and I’ve already made plans to put some of it into practice. Thanks!
Thanks Katrina! This post came at the perfect time for me. Wish I had been able to make it to blogopolis; hopefully next year.
Alyce {Blossom Heart Quilts}
I’ve just started my second blog for my quilting and this was perfect timing to help fine tune the design some more, thank you! I’ve learnt a lot from my personal blog and it’s been fun setting up a new one from scratch!
Farmers Wifey
Katrina thank you so much for sharing these great tips, I didn’t make the conference so I am loving these event updates xo Michelle
Alexandria Emporium
Thanks for the great class Katrina! I learnt heaps and it’s great to have these notes on your blog too for further reference! I’m already tweeking my blog with my new knowledge! Mxx
Hi Katrina
Thanks for sharing your class, I have just spent the weekend starting to setup my own blog so was very happy to see all your tips this morning.
I have been frustrated in trying to bridge the gap between my design vision (in my head) and actually translation on the blog page.
I have been learning heaps from your blog as I only have found out about the blogging community this year…your blog is one I keep coming back to for more info!
Fantastic tips!
I’m pretty chuffed that I have some of them already implemented.
Hopefully I’ll be able to bite the bullet and put a photo of me on my blog soon! Maybe I’ll take baby steps and put a disguised photo of me on there first 😉