You're either a lover or hater of ornamental grass. It comes in lots of colours and textures and can be wild and bushy. If your style is contemporary then this garden will suit. It gives a bold impact to your landscaping. It's decorative and low-maintenance so you can't really go wrong. They can look simple …
You’re either a lover or hater of ornamental grass. It comes in lots of colours and textures and can be wild and bushy. If your style is contemporary then this garden will suit. It gives a bold impact to your landscaping. It’s decorative and low-maintenance so you can’t really go wrong. They can look simple on their own, or mass planted in groups. Use as borders, or to fill a whole garden bed.
Here are some ideas to help you…
Use as a border
It looks great against a path or fence line to separate spaces and show distinct zones. It will light up the way for people to walk through. It creates heights and textures and would look great leading up to your home.
On a retaining wall/slope
If you need to fill up an area on a slope or scatter through a rock retaining wall then ornamental grass will work a treat. It will also create great colours and interest in the garden when you mix a few styles together.
In pots
Grasses are not only for lawn or ground cover. They can add a visual charm at any place if you grow them in pots. They are such low maintenance and not fussy at all. The wilder the better!
As a feature
Used to draw the eye to a certain spot. Use different heights and colours to maximize an area. Use instead of a hedge because they are much easier to look after. Pu them up against your house or pool fence for a feature.
♥ KC.
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Ohh I never thought to put ornamental grass in pots.
Do you think any of them would grow indoors?
Hmmm not sure about inside, I don;t think so. I think it would need good sun. X