I had a really good 2014. Much better than the previous few years, so I am grateful for that. I have enjoyed being here on my blog and I am proud of how it's been plodding along. I thought leading up to the end of the year I would do a monthly wrap up to …
I had a really good 2014. Much better than the previous few years, so I am grateful for that. I have enjoyed being here on my blog and I am proud of how it’s been plodding along. I thought leading up to the end of the year I would do a monthly wrap up to remind you (and me!) about what happened in 2014…
Here’s what featured on my blog in January…
I wanted to be more grateful so I decided to hashtag my #everydaygratefuls.

I went on an epic camping trip in the dirt.

Then I went to the beach… ahhh that’s better!

I wrote about being your best in 2014 (I read this back – interesting thoughts I had at the time!).
I launched a new venture, but this didn’t allow for much of my time this year! Boo hoo.. maybe in 2015…
I wrote a lot about interiors this month and I did a few DIY projects which popped up in February. My house was starting to take proper shape too after being here for about 9 months.
See you soon with February’s wrap up! KC.
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