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I won a freaking Logie!

Well, WE won a Logie, but it sounds more amazing when I say I won a Logie - and why not? Ha! What a crazy few days I've had! But I want to start with a huge thank you to Helen Manuell who made our gorgeous dresses. I have never felt so special in all …


Well, WE won a Logie, but it sounds more amazing when I say I won a Logie – and why not? Ha!

What a crazy few days I’ve had! But I want to start with a huge thank you to Helen Manuell who made our gorgeous dresses. I have never felt so special in all my life.

I have a thousand photos from the day/night. I know this post will be photo heavy!

Here is my red carpet fun! My eyes were darting all over. I told Josh and Jenna I could not talk to them because I couldn’t concentrate on a thing they were saying. There was waaaaay too much to look at! I was supposed to be looking all gracious, but I spent most of the time squealing and pointing. The Block’s producer Julian Cress was following me with his camera because I was entertaining him with my antics. Josh said “this is so much more enjoyable with you Katrina because you keep getting hysterical and it’s funny!” Waz kept asking me if I needed a paper bag.

This is what happened when I spotted Delta Goodrem!

I have never seen Rod move so fast. He turned around to see me with Delta and he bolted to be in that shot!

The girls.

The view from the top at the very end of the red carpet before we went into the Palladium.

The table.

The event card!

Jen Hawkins. Do I look slightly excited? Ummm and how tall is she? She’s talking with Claire from Woman’s Day and Jen looks like a giant! Well she is a giant! And gorgeous – like really really gorgeous.

One Direction!

So I was squeezing through some chairs and rubbed my bum against someone… I turned and apologised and realised it was One Direction. I then grabbed my camera and managed to get this (below). It wasn’t easy! There was security everywhere. There were big guys crouching on the ground all around them and I had to ask them could I take this. It was only that Zayn (I had to google to find out what this little fella’s name was!) said to his security that he was ok to take this shot. Please don’t hate me all you young girls. And yes, they are adorable and so cute and fresh!

There they are performing. They were good too.

This is me dancing to One Direction.

Here we are! You’ll have to buy TV Week next week to see our shots all together. I can’t believe we won.

Who would have thought hey. 12 months ago my life was totally different. I am so grateful.

PS. We’re not knuckle-heads and I know there are new contestants now and I can’t wait to see them in action, but it was the 8 contestants from 2011 who have set the bar. Life is what you make it. Everyone starts with nothing…

I had a ball and would do it all again in a heartbeat.

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. 3xpretty

    April 17, 2012

    Let the new contestants fight for next year’s Logie. That little statue is a credit to the time away from your family, the teamwork with A and the friendship amongst the other contestants. I’m sure there is a whole hard working production team, but regardless – you shouldn’t feel crazy for being PROUD!!!!

  2. Penny

    April 17, 2012

    Fabbo photos!!!! How gorgeous is delta? It’s nice to have ‘regular’ people on the red carpet squealing!!! Love it.

    • Katrina

      April 17, 2012

      She was more than divine! I was touching her. One of the photos looked like I was going to squeeze her and eat her!

  3. Kindred Spirits

    April 17, 2012

    AAHhhh they are fantastic!! What an amazing experience to keep forever. You both looked beautiful, taking in every second. Well deserved, you were all very entertaining to watch x

  4. Scandi Coast Home

    April 17, 2012

    What a blast!
    I reckon you’ve earned it……
    I’ve enjoyed the ride with you so thanks for sharing!
    Have a great day……
    Tania xx

  5. haylesjb

    April 17, 2012

    Well done girls! It really is your Logie! You all looked amazing and so inspirational. xx

  6. Zdenka Burnett

    April 17, 2012

    Omg, I loved and enjoyed reading this so much!!! Those photos are amazing!! You and Aimee (Don’t know if that’s the why you spell it) looked absolutely gorgeous!!!! Incredibly stunning!! Both of you!! I would love to meet you two one day! It would be amazing if I did. <3

  7. Lucy Watson

    April 17, 2012

    Love your dress! Stunning!

  8. a-m

    April 17, 2012

    You looked absolutely, stunningly beautiful Katrina. You shone. I seriously think your frock was the best, out of all of them. Big statement. But true. I can’t believe that neanderthal Scott Cam called you ‘knuckleheads’, on stage, on camera! Talk about taking away the gloriousness of your moment. A little respect for you all would have made him look less of a ‘knucklehead’. He wouldn’t have been up there if it wasn’t for the fact that all of Australia fell in love with your antics. The Block won that Logie due to you, the 2011 contestants. You? Knuckle heads? Oh don’t get me started on Scott Cam. I mute the TV and take toilet breaks when he opens his mouth. Enough said. Well done you. Enjoy. Every. Minute. A-M xx

    • Katrina

      April 17, 2012

      Hahaha thanks love. You’re the best fun! I loved my dress too. Pity there weren’t more shots of it! So much nicer than some that made the list!

  9. Scandi Coast Home

    April 17, 2012

    I meant to say how beautiful you look in your dress……
    Do you get to keep it?
    Tania xx

  10. Jode

    April 17, 2012

    CONGRATULATIONS! How freakin’ awesome!
    Your photos are amazing and yes, Delta is gorgeous!
    But don’t worry, you guys looked pretty freakin’ gorgeous too!
    & yes, I hope you know that you will be totally hated by all the One Directioners for that photo! lol
    x Jode

  11. Libby

    April 17, 2012

    Have been waiting for you to post!!! How exciting:) couldn’t happen to a nicer girl:))

  12. Karen@RestyledVintage

    April 17, 2012

    Congratulations, what a wonderful night. My first time watching the Logies ever…I didn’t make it all the way through though, past my bedtime! Plus being new to Aus I had no idea who half the presenters and celebrities were, and some of the in-jokes went over my head! I wonder if the Logies experience was kind of like reliving your wedding day, completely different, I know, but similar in having all the planning for a dress, the hair, the excitement as the day draws near, the overwhelming feelings of ‘this is really happening, can’t believe how lucky I am’ etc! How cool!

    xx Karen

    • Katrina

      April 17, 2012

      Yes it did feel a little like my wedding day with all the preparations – but so much fun and I’m so lucky!

  13. Jenny

    April 17, 2012

    Well done Katrina and Amy. What an amazing adventure and you both looked stunning on the red carpet. 😉

  14. tracey doody

    April 17, 2012

    How wonderful for you Katrina you looked Fabulous!What a great night…loved your dress! Have a lovely week xx

  15. BB

    April 17, 2012

    Congrats – and even a ONE DIRECTION moment (I had no idea who they were before they arrived in Oz but my kids did!). Missed the Scott Camm comment – you guys made me laugh lots!

    Hope the hangover/sleep deprivation wasn’t too bad.

    • Katrina

      April 17, 2012

      Thank you! No hangover for me. I haven’t been drinking for about 10 months – I am loving never having a hangover these days!

  16. Calico Child

    April 17, 2012

    Hee I smiled all through this post Katrina, what an amazing time you must have all had!!! Yay & you won how wonderful is that. I am so pleased for you & your sister you both looked absolutely stunning you deserve it after all your hard work & great personality, my teenage daughter said “you are soooo lucky to have met one direction” (hee).

    Well enjoy what tomorrow brings I am sure more wonderful things will be on there way to you!!! 🙂

  17. Cherie

    April 17, 2012

    Hi Katrina, Congratulations on the win. I think you looked absolutely stunning in your gown, it was incredibly gorgeous and beautiful, probably the best one of the night! I loved the back of Amie’s dress too. Luckily you got a lot of photos! xox

  18. Jo

    April 17, 2012

    I don’t think this could have all happened to a nicer bunch of people. Funny how the universe works. Life really is what you make it. Couldn’t agree more.

    Great story and pictures. I did get a bit excited over the table setting picture though. Which is just a bit sad.

    • Katrina

      April 17, 2012

      Thanks Jo – enjoy the new series! X

  19. Kira

    April 17, 2012

    Congratulations!! I totally voted for The Block – you guys deserved to win! I love all those photos and gosh, Jen Hawkins & Delta are just so beautiful.. Your dresses were amazing too!

  20. Chantelle

    April 17, 2012

    This is brilliant! You really deserve that Logie, you injected so much heart, soul and personality into last season. Good on you. It’s so YOUR Logie. x

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