My best friend's mother has a house! Oh boy are we going to have to do some serious bonding as a family... we are going from 3 lounge rooms, 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms and and office TO 1 lounge room, 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.But hey, I think this is going to be great fun and …
My best friend’s mother has a house! Oh boy are we going to have to do some serious bonding as a family… we are going from 3 lounge rooms, 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms and and office TO 1 lounge room, 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.
But hey, I think this is going to be great fun and we are going to have to learn to all like the same tv shows and Mummy has to share the bathroom! No loud hanky-panky either (wink).
But now I can save like buggery and dream up a brand spanking new house!
I’ve been in it before, but hubby hasn’t so we will visit it tomorrow. I am going to have to decide what furniture comes/goes/is sold.

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But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block.
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But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block.
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Three bedrooms, one lounge room and one bathroom describes my house Katrina. Ha! You'll be fine. Congratulations on the sale of your house – looking forward to reading about your next adventure.xx
Katrina Chambers
Hahaha! I am being stupid aren’t! Yes I am going to have to get real and suck it up!
K xo.
Why the downsizing before upsizing again? We have two bedrooms one bathroom (no bath just shower) which also has the loo in it & the laundry, a combinded dinning/lounge room plus a small kitchen.
Anyway congrats
(((( Hugs ))))
know the feeling..
currently in a rental 3×1 thank goodness there is only three of us..
BUT…. we still have the barn which is HUGE 4 bedrooms, lounge, parents retreat and large upstairs deck, one bathroom as the other was never finished but turned it into a craft room compared to what we are in now, and most of our furniture is still there, and with it being around 250+kms away that poses LOTS of problems.. especially since it needs to be cleaned up and sold soon as a mortgage and a rental to pay for just isnt manageable..
wishing you the best for your next big adventure..
My Striped Seaside
Yes this describes my move too – only we do have 2 bathrooms, thought that was a must with 2 teenage girls ! It will be fun and you may be surprised how much you enjoy the closeness. xx
Raine and Sage
Katrina anyone would think you're going camping. You've been spoilt clearly! It's going to be a great saving motivator for you though (the teeny weeny house and 3 boys). Just keep a firm grip on that remote Mama.
The Rose Room
well there's a challenge! drink? Rachaelxo
Hi Katrina, can't wait to follow your next adventure. You'll be fine, we moved to a much smaller home while we built. It gave me more time to focus on building and where we were moving to.
good luck with that!
just kidding im sure you will be fine, just think of it as family bonding time 😉
I feel your pain, but on the bright side imagine us at the moment- two kids, two adults, one motorhome, three weeks….
Ness Lockyer
Congratulations on selling your home. The new accomodation sounds interesting. It will be interesting to see how you get on with the new home…good luck.
Ness xx