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I think I am back…

Hello if anyone is still out there! I totally dropped off the face of the earth. I was a bit over blogging, but I think I am ready to come back. I am even going to open my blog back up to all readers for a while because I am sure I have lost so …


Hello if anyone is still out there! I totally dropped off the face of the earth. I was a bit over blogging, but I think I am ready to come back. I am even going to open my blog back up to all readers for a while because I am sure I have lost so many people.

Well, my new house has just started being built. Bloody paperwork and council. Never mind, all is good now and we are off. There is nothing exciting to look at except some roughed up dirt, some pipes out of the ground and a few cement piers. Although they have marked the house out with chalk for the footings to be laid, so we had a look last night. Good sized house. Although my husband says it’s massive, I say it just comfortable.

I am getting excited, but we have a long way to go (probably May-June before it is finished). I wish I could start buying new things for the house now, but I know from past experiences, it’s best to wait at least until the plaster walls are up. It’s hard to see the lighting, sizes and what ‘look’ I will be going for until then.

I will pop a picture on here of our ‘dirt’ tonight.

Christmas is very exciting this year in our house with 3 little boys that really know what it’s all about. The presents are overflowing (spilling out of my WIR, hidden in the garage, the camping trailer and at my husbands printery). Yes, my babies are spoilt rotten I know, but my husband and I work damn hard to give them things. Although in saying that, we are not the type to just randomly buy them big gifts for no reason!

Cruisey got a huge award at school yesterday for Mathematics. Precious thing he is! He is only in Kindergarten but I think he is such a clever little thing. I have a photo of that too which I will pop on here tonight.

Oh, and any opinions on what flooring I should be doing in the new house would be appreciated – timber floors, white floorboards, tiles…..

Katrina x

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.

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