This is beginning of the ensuite above. A mirror is to go between the pebble tiles. Then you can see little holes in the top pebble section and this is where the sets of Hollywood lights are going.Powder room vanity on the right and bathroom through the door. This area has all been grouted and …

Today I have a sick little Tex. He has a vomiting bug. He has been off for days so I should have known it was coming. He is not a very good patient. Boy it’s been a long day. He likes to be very angry and yell ALOT because he can’t relax and be quiet while being sick. He was so angry about not being able to find Mr Potato Head. I suggested it may be in his brother’s room and he yelled “NO! MR POTATO HEAD CAN’T WALK” and gave me a look of disgust. While I would normally scold his tone, how can you be angry when he is clearly sick and I guess he did have a point!
In between all of this I pulled out all my paperwork/bills and all the junk I stuff in a particular drawer. I have written a list of things I will need to create a pretty and functional space for my new study! Smiggle….here I come.
But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block.
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Love it, love it, love it. Ok did I mention that I love all of your house! It is going to look amazing, Country Home Ideas aint seen nothin' yet!
~S~ xxx
Hi Katrina just caught up on your last 5 posts. The house is looking fabulous. Love the pressed tin splashback.
Im with sarah I LOVE IT!!!! Im so many shades of green with envy I look really unwell!! LOL you totally deserve this Gorgeous home!! cannot wait to see it finished!!
A Bite of Country Cupcakes
Mr potato head comment is funny!
The house is going to look tops…