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Category: Uncategorized

Week 3 Challenge: I had a lovely childhood. I haven't got too much to complain about. We were an average family. I don't remember going without too much. Although Mum and Dad tell me they had to scrape everything every week to make sure we had what we needed. They did a good job. Mum …

This is a weekend in the life of The Chambo's and a new Ford Territory. We're real Aussies in the real world. We're just like most other families running kids around on the weekend. The brief was to show everyone what you do in a day (I went with 24hrs). This is it! I think we're a …

What on earth could I possibly blog about after my last post? Nothing could top it and I've been wracking my brain to write about something decent.... nope, nothing decent comes to mind, so here I am blabbering on about nothing really... So The Block is back! What do you think? I know who gets …

Written for Kidspot's Top 50 Bloggers. Forrest Gump says: My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." This is me. This is my blog. You never know what you're going to get... What will I get when I open Katrina's blog today? I don't even know …

I have the best giveaway for you today! Here is the most divine necklace from Uberkate. You could win this for your Mum or yourself as a Mother's Day treat. Valued at $695. Created specially to celebrate Mother’s Day, the “UBERheart” is the perfect way to spoil your mum. The UBERheart has been designed and handcrafted by …

A few weeks ago I had these photos taken by Skye Rocket Studio. Skye really is the best! We've had a few photo shoots together. I come in, we fake laugh, I pose and she clicks. It's all done in a matter of minutes. Of course I wanted some with me wearing leopard print! So …

And no photo even... I've had a coughing child all night and of course no medicine in the house. I normally have the best 'sick' box. Ask my friends! They say it's more than what the pharmacy have! I am doing a radio interview this morning, then I'm off to do a speech and cut …

There was a fair bit of fist pumping and yelling around here on Sunday when we got the call to say "you're coming to the Logies..." Whhhooooooo hoooooo! I am very lucky! Who gets to do these amazing things?? Who gets to smooch Karl Stefanovic again? Annoy Hamish AND get to see Flo Rida sing …

So they're out there. They're happening. Anyone ready to try these? I'm not sure... The more I look at them the more I could be swayed. I'm like that though - easily swayed! ;) What do you think about Floral Jeans? Already got some? Thinking of getting some? Please let me know!

On this day 10 years ago I was having my first kid (I was a child bride ;)). My first little boy came 4 weeks early. I was so relieved he came early because I had put on 28kg, couldn't walk properly and had to wear my husbands shoes (fluid is a real treat). Cruise …

The winner of the ipad cover is Jessica from Lessons in Life and Love. The winners of the wrist key fob's are Jo from Violet & Rose and Ez from Life...Style'n. Jo, you get first choice of which one you prefer. Thanks everyone for entering! Back soon with another giveaway!

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