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Category: Uncategorized

I was in bed last night reminiscing about our recent holiday to New York with my husband. My heart was a little achey. I felt so sad for the New Yorkers after Hurricane Sandy hit. I watched it all unfold on the tv, twitter and live YouTube updates. I text my husband furiously all day Monday and …

You guys are really getting in to this. Thanks! I love sitting down and finding all your photos. Hopefully I've motivated a few extra people to join in and start a bit of exercising. My knees have been a bit sore this week. Who thought I'd ever say that?? Who am I these days? I …

I brought home some tile samples last week and thought I had decided on huge white wall tile, and big grey floor tiles. But as the days have gone on, I'm thinking of other options... I'm definitely doing the white wall tiles, and white bathroom vanities, with some sort of white feature tile under the mirrors (above …

Have you been playing along? I loved seeing your photos last week. Hope you keep it up and I hope lots more of you jump on board! I've been seeing pictures on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and even on your own blogs. Here are a few... If you're not sure what this is all about, then …

Click on the flats below to see where to buy them. ... You can never have too many ballet flats! I'm on a mission to collect some new and affordable flats to mix and match with jeans. I would like one in every colour please :) Hope you've had a great weekend! I did. Lots happening around …

Hi there! We are home safe and sound. We drove straight to the kids school and grabbed them out of class (even in my stinky clothes when I hadn't showered for 30 hours - noice!). They were so happy to see us! And I haven't stopped smooching them. I'll be asleep by 7pm I bet. …

(sshhh I'm reading in the NY Public Library) (In Grand Central Station) ... Well it's come to an end. I've squeezed the life out of New York! I've loved every moment of it. I'm ready to go home though. I love Australia and I love Wagga AND I can't wait to see my boys. I …

We spent the day wandering the streets of Manhattan. Hubby and I walked for hours and hours taking it all in. It's our last full day and we wanted to make the most of it. I'm sad it's all coming to an end... You want your shoes shined? Sit right up there! A street vendor …

Today I walked about 1.5km to The Highline. Amazing! It stretches 1.7km and was old railway lines above the city for freight trains. It's since been handed to the people of New York and a body corporate looks after it. Anyway, google it if you're wanting to learn more. It was so cool. Got to …

There is a never ending amount of shops and food places here in New York. I have eaten more than I care to remember. It's Summer here and there's nothing like putting on a skirt from your own wardrobe to realise it's not fitting very well haha. Oops. I've been walking kilometres and kilometres every …

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