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Category: Uncategorized

What's happening this week for you all?I am about to head of to Melbourne today to see my favourite Doctor at St Vincents. Then I shall return to all the packing. Moving day is Saturday!In between moving and Christmas Day I have a thousand appointments and dinners to attend. Plus one dreaded dentist appointment. Follow …

Just curious...I love hearing what people have as their ringtone.This is mine at the moment. And yes it does make me panic when I hear it! Still, it makes me laugh.But I am trying to get this on my iphone (without much luck). It's my all-time favourite song. I can be anywhere and as soon as …

I am secretly excited about today because my boys are all off to daycare/school. Due to the floods we have been house-bound for most of the week and haven't ventured out too far.Today I will finish my Christmas shopping, have lunch with some friends and buy a dress for a Christmas party.What will you be …

Wow, it's been a big job, lots of mistakes and lots of changes, but finally I 'THINK' I have decided on the new look for my website: I am Media Mad.If you'd been there before you would know it looked a little different. It never felt right, so I've waved the wand at it again.Make …

We are bracing for a lot of BAD rain. And I mean, probably the worst we have ever seen. People are sandbagging left, right and centre.I am a little worried. I am going to buy some candles and food for the pantry. The stormwater drains are full in Wagga. This means rain has nowhere to go. Nowhere!I …

My girlfriend sent me this last night. It made my day!THE NEXT SURVIVOR SERIES Six married men will be dropped on an island with one car and 2 kids each for six weeks. Each kid will play two sports and take either music or dance classes. There is no fast food. Each man must take care of …

This used to be part of the Wagga Beach (we use the term 'beach' very loosely down here!). You could walk around down there last week. Now we can only see a roof.This is only a taste of what is to come. Our River is set to burst fully in the next 24 hrs. However, …

We are bracing for floods again. North Wagga has been moving their things out overnight. The Murrumbidgee River is expected to peak here sometime tonight. It's scary (although I am safe). Our council is working overtime building up the levy banks. Parts of Wagga won't be spared though...Photo and more information here.Thanks for following my blog and …

My best friend's mother has a house! Oh boy are we going to have to do some serious bonding as a family... we are going from 3 lounge rooms, 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms and and office TO 1 lounge room, 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.But hey, I think this is going to be great fun and …

Ummmm..... I am in denial but my house SOLD yesterday! OMG! Yes it was a plan in the back of my mind and a part of the 'simplifying life' thingy, but I am sorta not ready for it.Want to know the BEST bit? "Vacant possession by 22nd December".... did you see that date?? That means …

I'm still here, hanging out in blogland.....I'm changing a few things around. You know me; always got itchy feet.While I have your attention...I have merged my Mrs Chambo blog with this one, so no need to chase me around all the time. How come I did this? I am simplify stuff.Stuff is happening and not …

I have been busy plotting and planning a few things...This includes and new look, a new name and a more concise concept.It's exciting!I'll be offering blog design, logo design, printing, facebook design/tutorials, blog content writing, blog tutorials...and a few more things. Plus I am working on some workshops.I'll also be introducing a graphic designer/photographer friend …

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