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Category: Uncategorized

What a nice email from Emma today. I won her giveaway. How cool is that! Thanks so much Emma.Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email

I'm participating in Word of the Week via Gifts of Serendipity.{image}Sometimes I break out in a random act of tap dancing. I will start a little routine and the kids will stare at me in disbelief (asking themselves "is she serious?"). I finish the routine with a big ta-da and gee it feels good. However, …

I hope all of my lovely QLD bloggy friends are ok. I know a few of you are bracing for the worst. My heart aches for the families - but especially for the little children. I cannot watch the news when their little faces are on the screens. I cried when the little family was …

It's time for me to pack everything up and head home today. I've had a lovely 3 week holiday though. Tomorrow we move into the rental house too. Nothing like a good slap in the face after a lovely break away!But on a positive note, have you seen the big prize?PLUS the pre-made blogger template …

We went to the Mogo Zoo. Was a great day! We got up and close with the White Lions.We happened to be next to the keeper when he was trying to get a pacing Lion's attention. The Lion was fixed on something and he explained that he doesn't like them pacing. It's like they are …

I'm giving one BLOGSPOT template away. Choose from these below. To see their full layouts, go to my website OVER HERE. Below are some examples of what you can have.Just leave a comment here!Good luck.PS. I'm heading into 500 posts on this blog (and I've had a few blogs!), so I want to give something BIG away. …

Looky what my sister bought me? The new 2011 Frankie Diary. I am lucky and totally in love with it! This will be my new best friend. While I like to use my iPhone for reminder appointments, this will be for my Media Mad work.Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome …

The house is all packed up. 3 mattress, a tv, the clothes and the laptop are all that are left. See ya later house. Onto better things. Oh yes, my mind has been ticking! I'm pretty sure the plan is to build again next year sometime. Stay tunned as you know me... my plans change …

{image}Jane from My Pear Tree House needs all our love and support. She is about to embark on a scary and courageous journey. She knows we love her. I am wishing her all the luck in the world. Thinking of you Jane...Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more …

Pre-made TemplatesYou are buying the template as you see it. Click on each banner to see the full layout....Includes:* installation* font colour coordination* wording in banner to suit you* coordination of sidebarsPRICE: $79$39 (AU) Specific requests or additions are welcome and will be priced when requested.Please note: the difference between these pre-mades and my custom blogs …

I feel sad that I have no Christmas decorations this year. But we are moving on Friday then heading off on a big holiday. I am so excited about that. So I will just have to get my Christmas decoration fix through all you lovely bloggers.(image)I went to Melbourne on Monday. Had the usual drill …

Merry Christmas from a 5 year old me!Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter | facebook | email

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