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Home·Good stuff

Category: Good stuff

Howdy! Soooo because I don't already have enough social media in my life I decided to start a new Facebook group where anyone can post in it! Come and join? I'm sure you're in lots of Facebook groups already and you know how it works! Start a topic, post a photo, ask a question.... Maybe …

As usual I am always keeping my eye out for good things on the internet which you also might like... • This week I found out Restored 316 Designs is giving away a wordpress makeover. Check that out! • Here are some great tips on how to make sure you have an awesome About Me …

 ♦ I think I might do this online photography course hosted by Digital Photography School. It looks very handy to me. ♦ Here's another good online course - it's Photoshop for Bloggers. Learn how to pump up your photos. ♦ My most favourite Facebook Page to stalk at the moment is Design Twins. Their home …

Howdy! Here's some cool things I've seen or been sent via email this week... A new range from Salt&Pepper has been released called MARBLE. Available from February in Myer and David Jones and independent retailers March onwards. ++ Self-Cleaning Aquaponics System to Grow Organic Food - this is rad! Visit their kick-starter page for more …

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by today... Here are some cool things I found in my travels around the web this week... • Canva introduced new text elements - Have some fun with their new text and quote elements. Add these typographic overlays to your photos to create pro-looking graphics in seconds. I had a …

Hi there! I thought I'd continue on with my Good Things posts this year... Here's what I found this week! ♥ Have a look at this before & after reno by Emily Jones. I love it! This blog comes straight to my inbox so I never miss a thing. ♥ Kmart is really stepping it …

Hi everyone! how have things been for you this week? Woah, my blog has had a very busy few days with over 10,000 hits on this blog post about my lovely friend Bec who has breast cancer. To say the response has been overwhelming is an understatement. Bec is really feeling the love and support, …

♥ Above is my favourite room of the week. ♥ I signed up to do this course from Living from the Inside Out. I just felt like doing something new and trying something different. It's very refreshing. ♥ This made me laugh- you can spend a night at IKEA next weekend! Visit the article to …

Hi there! How's your week been? Mine was pretty good actually. I had a birthday at the beginning, the kids went back to school and I got a new hair do - can't complain about that! I will say though, I am so glad The Voice is ending, anyone else a little over it? Watching …

Oh dear. School holidays and horrible weather. Need I say more? It's been fairly wild around here. I am really rushing the days away (and I know I shouldn't do this!), but the 4 of us inside together 24/7 is wearing me down! Although we did go away for a footy carnival on the weekend …

Hi! I've been a bit quiet with the blog. I've been under the weather a bit with stuff. Lately it's been the damn skin graft. Doc took the pressure bandage off yesterday. I fainted. As usual. But now I've gotten used to the look of it and I'm ok. I was a little off just …

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