{Adairs brings you this blog post today} I’m a little bit fond of Adairs and you know that’s not a lie! I have always been a huge lover of linen. I do know someone who is obsessed with it more than me though – my mum! She loves it, and she’s passed that obsession on …
{Adairs brings you this blog post today}

I’m a little bit fond of Adairs and you know that’s not a lie! I have always been a huge lover of linen. I do know someone who is obsessed with it more than me though – my mum! She loves it, and she’s passed that obsession on to me. That’s not a bad thing! Adairs asked if I’d like to take part in promoting a HUGE and amazing competition they are running called My Perfect Escape – it sounds like a dream! In return, I had the opportunity to create my own perfect escape in my bedroom… so head over to my post on the Adairs blog and see what I came up with!
Maybe you’d like to enter the Adairs MY PERFECT ESCAPE competition and win a share of $20,000 worth of prizes? You could be tizzing up your bedroom too!
Ok, I’m off for a little daytime nanna nap… think the kids will notice I’m gone?
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