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10 things to get rid of today

A lot of people find it very difficult to let go of stuff, and in return they rarely realise they are hindering their own abundance… Your house is like a sponge, and it holds on to bad energy when you have too many things surrounding you. You need to be solid in your decision when it’s time …


A lot of people find it very difficult to let go of stuff, and in return they rarely realise they are hindering their own abundance…

Your house is like a sponge, and it holds on to bad energy when you have too many things surrounding you. You need to be solid in your decision when it’s time to edit everything around you. Indecisiveness won’t help!

If you start with a list, and break it down in to rooms (or areas of rooms) then it becomes a little less overwhelming.

Here’s a list of 10 things I bet you can get rid of today. We all have some of these random items laying around. What’s the worst that could happen if you got rid of it? I always ask myself this when I’m in a mood for tossing stuff. I don’t feel guilt, I think about how much lighter I will feel once the clutter is gone…

Shoes – if they’ve seen their day, don’t fit as well anymore or you haven’t worn them for a few seasons then it’s time to go. My boys accumulate lots of shoes, thongs, footy boots and school shoes. I grab a garage bag occasionally and have a big toss.

Old food – hidden in the back of the pantry I bet you have condiments, packets and tins that have seen their use-by dates.

Receipts/notes – do you save school notes, receipts, junk mail in a kitchen drawer? Yep, I do! Every now and then I have a good cull. It takes about 5 minutes tops.

Beauty products – half used creams I don’t even like, empty razor blades, hair ties, empty toothpaste, used deodorant cans… I find myself often editing the bathroom drawers!

Old clothes – the older I get the less adventurous I become with my clothes. I have my staples. My boys grow like weeds so the clothes thing in our house gets a good cull when the season start to change.

Pairs that are no longer – socks, earrings, shoes. I bet you have a few odd ones laying around.

Books – that you’ve read, or won’t read. That goes for magazines too.

Chargers/cords – ah yes, I have a basket full of these. Time to go! I don’t even know what half of them belong to anyway and they can’t be important if I haven’t used them for years.

Out of date medicines – do you have a box of medicines? Time to toss out of date pills and old scripts.

Old towels – treat yourself to a new set and ditch the old scratchy faded towels.

If you’ve got a spare hour I bet you can get most of this done today!

♥ KC.

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Trish Creegan

    May 15, 2017

    Katrina – another hour today?

  2. Chrissie Taylor

    May 15, 2017

    Brilliant list! I condensed and tossed cleaning products in the laundry yesterday. I managed to throw 6 bottles of cleaning products that were only part full. I’m the same with cosmetics; I only have two moisturisers – day/night. My wardrobe is staples of black and white. Have you followed Project 333?

  3. Lisa Scott

    May 16, 2017

    Off the topic but I’m IN LOVE with those taps! building a house and they would look great in my ensuite!

  4. Sandi Colyer

    May 16, 2017

    I actually keep the old towels…they become the “dirty job” towels. eg. when hubbie needs towel on floor when changing the water in fish tank or they need hand towel for ‘blood guts & grease off the rod’ when fishing. Not using my GOOD towels for that crap! No Sir 😉

  5. Sandi Colyer

    May 16, 2017

    I love that pot….I’m still miffed I missed those at Bunnings!!

  6. Kerry Closter

    May 16, 2017

    Wonderful suggestions, I can relate to those charger cords, old phones, etc suggestion.

  7. Helen Jaman

    May 16, 2017

    Wish you could come to my house and help me !!

  8. Vaastu Designers

    May 17, 2017

    I think I am a bit jealous about the Pot. Just love it

  9. Melissa Greensill

    October 10, 2017

    It’s rainy here today so I think I will work my way through some of these

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