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Yo yo, whad up?

Hi there! I am back!That week went quick. And boy do I have some catching up to do in blogland.....Well what have I been doing?{Bullet form needed for this}- Some of you thought I may be off doing new projects around the house. Sorry, I haven't!- I am having a rest from all the decorating …

Hi there! I am back!
That week went quick. And boy do I have some catching up to do in blogland…..
Well what have I been doing?
{Bullet form needed for this}
– Some of you thought I may be off doing new projects around the house. Sorry, I haven’t!
– I am having a rest from all the decorating at home. I am still focusing on Cruise’s room though.
– Just letting you know this is still happening and so is this – but not just yet.
– My mother had a skin cancer removed off her face and ended up with 40 stitches and it was a terrible job. We are all so upset about this. She is very unwell too as a result of a bodgey job and infection. The clinic has not even heard the start of where we plan to take this debacle.
– My own health is atrocious – a blog post another time.
– My eldest son turned 8. His behaviour has turned the corner. Now I am “beautiful mummy” not “I hate your guts mummy”. Phew. Oh and I learnt I am an awesome singer.
– I decided this week to focus on what is in front of me and other opportunities will flow in their own time.
– My husband can’t stop fishing. He is addicted. Not that I mind!
– I have realised twitter is stealing my soul.
– I have awoken from a bad mood that I think I was in for about 6 weeks (medication does this!).
Ok, so I have had a break. I am refreshed now and I have some new funny stories to share with you this week. Thank god my friends still want to hang around me and tell me their funny stuff because most of it is about them.
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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Jodi

    February 27, 2010

    yayyyyy welcome back!!!!

  2. Julie-Ann

    February 27, 2010

    Glad you're feeling better. But don't think of Twitter as stealing your soul- more of bringing new & wonderful people (me) into your life.
    Your poor mum. I hope she gets better soon:)

  3. Anna

    February 27, 2010

    Good on you for taking a break darling…always good to just shut down for a while and reboot again when your feeling alot better πŸ™‚ Sorry to hear about your mum…hope it all works youve got me worried as I have been thinking to have a few moles removed off my back…but am chicken now. Blog with you soon πŸ™‚ x

  4. Janine Marshall

    February 27, 2010

    Sometimes a break is what is needed when life gets a little crazy. Sorry to hear about your mum, I hope her health and everything will improve soon.
    Take care

  5. Debbie in Nashville

    February 27, 2010

    Welcome back! Sounds like alot going on, sorry to here about your mom. That is just horrible. Looking forward to more beautiful and funny things from you!!

  6. MelsRosePlace

    February 27, 2010

    Hi Katrina – am so glad you're back, we missed you. wish you lived around the corner and you could pop over for a cuppa/wine and a cheer up. Bloody awful about your mum, will be thinking of her. Mel xxx
    ps i have been in a pretty bad mood lately too and have snapped out of it in the last week πŸ™‚

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