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WIN an IKEA business pack

Hi guys! Want to win an IKEA business pack? I was lucky enough to be sent one, and I am loving them sick. I've popped them away for now until we move house, but can't wait to use them. They are fabulous! The giveaway is valued at roughly $100, and would be perfect for those who are looking to …

Hi guys! Want to win an IKEA business pack? I was lucky enough to be sent one, and I am loving them sick. I’ve popped them away for now until we move house, but can’t wait to use them. They are fabulous!
The giveaway is valued at roughly $100, and would be perfect for those who are looking to streamline their own workspace.

As part of IKEA BUSINESS, business owners are able to utilise the IKEA Office planner, a free, easy-to-use planning tool that offers inspiration, tips and advice on how to furnish any business space in a cost effective way.

A one-on-one consultation with an IKEA BUSINESS leader is also available and with expertise in small business spaces, the IKEA BUSINESS leader will tailor the right solution for each business or home and give guidance through the planning process and offer a variety of payment, delivery and installation solutions.

So here is the prize…


KASSETT Box with lid (natural)
KASSETT Box with lid (white)
KVISSLE Book end (white)
KVISSLE Magazine file (white)
KVISSLE Letter tray (white)
KVISSLE Box lid – four set (white)
KVISSLE Desk organiser (white).
All you have to do is leave an answer this question (either in the comments section or in the Facebook comments below).

Being organised means _______________?


CLOSED: The winner is tara “

Being organised means I wouldn’t have to yell at the kids for pinching my pen and having a panic attack whilst the person on the other end of the phone sighs heavily whilst I rant and rave about trying to find a scrap of paper to write on (I’m blaming the kids again.) Being organised means not giving my youngens industrial deafness from all my screaming…LOL..

 Giveaways are in accordance with my disclosure policy.

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Lisa

    February 27, 2013

    Being organised means being productive, successful, managing your time effectively and establishing a balanced life. I’m a full-time PhD student, a newly wed, a music teacher, an active member in the Arts in my local community, a sessional tutor at Monash University where I also study, a daughter and a friend. The only way I can do all these things WELL and live life to the fullest is by being organised and having a work environment that is conducive to productivity.

  2. Fiona, Lilyfield Life

    February 27, 2013

    being organised means not have to spend 20 minutes looking for things every time I go to use them!!
    I do my own head in how messy i am sometimes. LOL.
    I’d love to win this. thanks for hosting Katrina
    cheers Fiona

  3. Ashleigh (Act on Inspiration)

    February 27, 2013

    Being organised means a place for everything and everything in its place. I am a Virgo so it’s the only way I know how to be, that along with a little OCD and a little perfectionism, being organised makes me happy =)

  4. Jodie

    February 27, 2013

    being organised means a lot at the moment to get ready for a new baby in a house that doesn’t have enough rooms.

  5. Lea

    February 28, 2013

    remembering to pick your kids up from school :/

    ( personal experience story right there 😉

  6. pamela elligate

    February 28, 2013

    Being organised means personal control means optimal performance!

  7. Ron Rose

    February 28, 2013

    Being organised means efficiency. Efficiency means more time to stay organised.

  8. Cynthia

    February 28, 2013

    Keeping up with the filing so you don’t absent-mindedly give your crayola happy 3 year old important documents instead of plain paper…

  9. joanne west

    February 28, 2013

    Being organised means never losing it

  10. karina w

    February 28, 2013

    Not cleaning your house 5 minutes before your guests arrive.

  11. Rachael Rowberry

    February 28, 2013

    Being organised means, professional, tidy, happy and healthy

  12. Emma

    February 28, 2013

    Being organised means I will be able to find all the things that have been swallowed into the mess of our office

  13. Luke

    March 1, 2013

    Being organised means respecting yourself and your work space!

  14. Aaron Kaczmarczyk

    March 2, 2013

    Knowing when to put the Simpsons on for the kids so you can get some much needed quiet time!

  15. Jasmine1485

    March 3, 2013

    Organised means that when I come home I can destress, knowing where everything is and not tripping over anything left out on the floor!

  16. tara

    March 5, 2013

    Being organised means I wouldn’t have to yell at the kids for pinching my pen and having a panic attack whilst the person on the other end of the phone sighs heavily whilst I rant and rave about trying to find a scrap of paper to write on (I’m blaming the kids again.) Being organised means not giving my youngens industrial deafness from all my screaming…LOL..

    • Katrina

      March 13, 2013

      Tara – you’re the WINNER! Can you email me your postage details? X

  17. Debra

    March 5, 2013

    Being organised means I have extra time for my self … by getting up a little earlier than everyone makes sure I am ready to start the day!

  18. Mick G

    March 5, 2013

    Never having to backtrack in order to pick or clean up something that slipped your mind

  19. Shellie Reid

    March 6, 2013

    BEING ORGANISED MEANS….I need to de-clutter!
    “Postie’s just been ~more paperwork”, I mutter!
    Ikea’s business pack, would unbelievably impress!
    Every document filed neatly, all with easy access!

  20. Sarah

    March 6, 2013

    Being orgainsed means I can enjoy every moment of my 3 boys day rather than frantically trying to keep up !!

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