You don't need to have lots of money to buy clothes. Look at the bargains I have been picking up! Supre seriously has these prices. When clothes are this cheap I can buy 5 of everything in every colour! This is my staple this Summer. Skirts, thongs and colourful tops. I just rotate them :) …
You don’t need to have lots of money to buy clothes. Look at the bargains I have been picking up! Supre seriously has these prices. When clothes are this cheap I can buy 5 of everything in every colour!
This is my staple this Summer. Skirts, thongs and colourful tops. I just rotate them 🙂
Throw in a few MAXI dresses and you’re set. I bought a long navy and white striped dress from Jay-Jays yesterday for $25. Guess what I’m wearing today with white havianas!!
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Fee @ Oh Gorgeous Baby
Cute outfits Katrina! I’m really starting to get into shopping these days, but Supre just scares me as so much is jammed in one spot! I’ve just got to be brave and get in there!
Thanks so much for your advice Katrina! I went shopping in supre today and I found it so much easier with your advice! I love you blog and you are such a great role model 🙂
Oh yay!!