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What can I say? The Block.

Well you all got to see the 'explosive' episode last night. I didn't watch it. Why would I?I knew the whole thing would be hyped up, heavily edited (probably by a man no doubt) and I really didn't want see any of it again.That builder (who even wants to say his name!) grabbed the cameras …

Well you all got to see the ‘explosive’ episode last night. I didn’t watch it. Why would I?
I knew the whole thing would be hyped up, heavily edited (probably by a man no doubt) and I really didn’t want see any of it again.
That builder (who even wants to say his name!) grabbed the cameras whilst we were out on a challenge and really let it rip, so I hear. How stupid of him. What can I say about $7,000 for 3 and a half days work?? “Tell him he’s dreamin’.” So NO, we did not pay him that amount of money.
I was asked by the media yesterday…. Do you think he took advantage of you? No, ‘advantage’ isn’t the right word because we had nothing to offer him. We had no tradeskills and he did, so his knowledge was greater than ours. What we were made to feel was ‘silly’. Just downright silly. He wanted to rub it in that he knew more than us and we knew nothing. How childish…

Everything always works out in the end and I still loved my experience on The Block. I’ve said it before – we did not sail through this. There are still rocky times to come. My husband was furious last night. His phone was ringing all night. Relatives and friends were so angry at how Amie and I were made to feel. My Mum was crying. It’s all ok! We got through it and more power to us.

People are asking me why I don’t respond to the negative comments over on Facebook? Are you serious? What the heck for? Why would I bother with that vile place? It’s a hate page for the all of the contestants not a fan page. I am so surprised they are allowed to get away with it. No one is happy to let you be warm and fuzzy. I have learnt so much about people in general… this could be a whole blog post I think! Or I should write a book about “treating people how you’d like to be treated”. I truly feel Australia has lost it’s way and only knows how to be rude. Actually, I think Australia is breeding a huge generation of know-alls. I’m surprised we haven’t taken over the world with so many geniuses on hand!
Anyone, feel free to give us some love over there on my behalf…
Remember people, this is JUST a tv show and we are NORMAL people!
Read my earlier post about Amie and I just being normal people.
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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Ali :-)

    July 13, 2011

    Hey Katrina,

    I'm a lover of The Block and have been gunning for you girls since the very beginning. You and Amie are a breath for fresh air – no bullshit and just enough "sass" ;o)

    We (my partner and I) were just gobsmacked at the gall of your builder on last night's episode. As Liam (partner) said – "He just wants the attention. What a tool. He's on TV… of course he knows he's going to get paid. He's just being a knob."

    Didn't realise Liam was so astute ;o)

    Anyway – please know that you guys probably have more "fans" than haters.

    Can't wait to see the rest of the series and hope that you girls kick some serious ass!

    Ali :o)

  2. Cate Bolt

    July 13, 2011

    Remember before this started? I said something like "I hope you're ready for what's about to happen" – this is what I was talking about. Australians have a unique way of attacking their own. It comes from having so many civil liberties. We have the right to be complete assholes to others. It does make you question humanity, but you need to focus on the positives and not read that vile crap. I know from experience how hard that can be. Could be worse – you could be homeless with nine kids. You should see what people write about you then!

  3. Catherine

    July 13, 2011

    I think it is a shame you are nit reading fb ( though I understand due to the stupid have groups) there s a lot of love and support from people who are on your side and clearly see that
    1. You had a "tool" of a tradie
    2. You are being represented on tv as the girls who can't get anything done because they are female.

    In particular regarding point 2 I am very disappointed about as clearly it is not the case ( look how successful you were in the water challenge!) and it would have been so refreshing for mainstream tv to show women succeeding in traditionally male dominated areas.

    I hope all the drama they are "building" means that we are all surprised in tv land when the underdog wins !

  4. A Bite of Country Cupcakes

    July 13, 2011

    I was feelin for you last night….that tradie had the perfect oportunity to promote himself and hid buisness big time….and he did! AS ONE TO NEVER USE!!!!! What a ASS!!!!
    You 2 rock!!!
    What goes arund urely comes around and his day is comming….rue that day!!!!

  5. Farmers Wife

    July 13, 2011

    Amie & Katrina, forget what other people say, family and friends know the real you, that's all that matters. It broke my heart to watch you both so upset last night but I know both of you are strong!!!

  6. HMB

    July 13, 2011

    you are SOO right Katrina- just a tv show! no one has taken a life! You can chalk it up to another experience in life. You- and Amie- sound like lovely, regular, loving mothers. More power to ya!

  7. Noosa Beach House

    July 13, 2011

    Katrina and Amie, just huge hugs. Miss 11 and I were so stressed and worried for you last night.
    And that facebook page, my god, people can be so bravely horrible when they have that screen in front of them.
    So pleased that those horrible nasties haven't followed you over here and that you have this space to say your thing. (well I'm hoping that they haven't, just noted that you have comment moderation turned on)
    We love you, go Amie and Katrina!!

  8. Amy

    July 13, 2011

    I was last night in absolute horror! I seriously wanted to slap that builder up the side of the face! I am also dissapointed in the editing of the show, it is very clear that they are showing this out of sync as we seen you guys looking at the work that wasn't done on your bathroom on apparently two different days when it was the same footage both times!

    You guys are doing an amazing job. It must be so hard seeing and hearing the negative feedback that is occuring. I agree, society is losing any sense of manners and decency!

    I really do think that your builder came off alot worse than you guys. Anyone with a brain can see what a tosser he was to you guys! Me thinks he wont be getting much work from now on.

  9. Daisy, Roo and Two

    July 14, 2011

    Both my husband and I were quite shocked at last nights episode. We love The Block, but the way it's being edited and the way they cut from couple to couple, the way they almost pit you all against each other when as in intelligent adult I can tell that you all got along so well! The constant back and forth showing Josh & Jenna bickering but then Polly & Waz being a "team", making the little discussions all couples have look like major fights, trying to show that Rod was trying to cut corners, or that you and Amie didn't know what you were doing and were completely unorganized. It's almost like the eight of you didn't give them enough drama and "action" so they've cut it together to make it look like you did!

  10. kate

    July 14, 2011

    I had to tell my 7 year old the other day (who was sad because her sister got a treat for good behaviour) that when you're happy on the inside and happy for others you become a 'prettier' person. Pity more mothers don't teach their kids this lesson… Thank you for being 'pretty' girls!!!! Chin up! You both have serious style – not many do…

  11. Foxy Loxy Life

    July 14, 2011

    Last night made me sick, between twitter and facebook it is rubbish, these people have nothing nice to say about anyone or anything, they obviously get off on other people's downs in life and I actually feel sorry for them, imagine living a life where you only felt good when other people are put through the ringer. I love you guys and the show. Chin up, you girls are doing a great job!! And the rest of the crew on the show.

  12. KL

    July 14, 2011

    When my girls were in their teens they both experienced Facebook cyper-bullying dramas.I've never been involved with it since. Last night's show showed that The Block's producers are trying to invent drama and create gossip about a renovation show. I choose not to watch any reality shows like The Kardishians, or Big Brother etc because they are just rubbish!I'm disappointed that The Block seems to lost it's direction and in doing so has hurt its contestants. My husband is a builder and was disgusted by yours. He made an idiot of himself which will no doubt damage his trading reputation. I didn't think you girls looked silly or bad at all; you were simply unlucky in the persons whom you employed and I'm glad you ceased with those services.Like many, I'm really wound up about this. Channel 9 and the show's project manager had a duty of care to assist all of you with the employment of trades and technical codes of building. They failed all contestants equally.

  13. h&b

    July 14, 2011

    I haven't been on the FB page .. but I think you need to just stay away from it, and tell your friends too also.

    Don't immerse yourself in bad vibes and nastiness, you're better than that and can hold your head high.

    Haters gotta hate.. x

  14. Jane

    July 14, 2011

    Oh, Katrina. I actually missed last night's episode – maybe that's a good thing. I haven't looked on the FB page and won't. I'm so sorry to hear you're receiving so much grief. Hold you head high, my friend – you have so much to be proud of. J x

  15. maree

    July 14, 2011

    You go girls!!!!

  16. Erin

    July 14, 2011

    Katrina I think that that builder is a totall tosser and he has only created bad publicity for his own business by the way he has behaved!

    He stuffed you guys around with the fire place and now this!

    Good on you for giving him the sack!!


  17. mindy@31

    July 14, 2011

    Surely watching last nights episode just made all women furious and united in their disgust of men such as that builder, and his rudeness and lack of interest in your attempts at any decision making. Cheered loudly when you had sacked him…. hope he never gets work in our town again…what an a…….! Im hanging in there now hoping that the whole bathroom will come together in time.
    You and Amie are so brave. I would have been howling long b4 you and probably would have run away!

  18. Mrs B

    July 14, 2011

    Katrina and Amie…the biggest hugs and kisses to you both xxoo

    Believe me when I say the tissues were out in my household as well last night. It was deeply disturbing and moving to watch the hell that you girls had to go through in front of Australia. I am wishing you the best for the next few weeks.

    Mrs B xxxooo

  19. Annie@A View On Design

    July 14, 2011

    well you know how i feel about last night, spose you can always go back and read that one – if it helps! sorry your family is hurting, plz realise you ARE kicking goals there!! fantastic courage madame!

  20. The Distressed Mother

    July 14, 2011

    I can't believe what they get away with on FB. Shame on Channel 9 for allowing it to happen.

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