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Time Management

I have been busily writing for Real Estate Agents over the last few weeks; this is a snippet of something I wrote....I thought this blog post was relevant to everyone. No matter what our jobs are, whether we stay at home to raise children, or what are days are filled doing, time management is difficult …

I have been busily writing for Real Estate Agents over the last few weeks; this is a snippet of something I wrote….

I thought this blog post was relevant to everyone. No matter what our jobs are, whether we stay at home to raise children, or what are days are filled doing, time management is difficult to master.
I know that time is important. Remember we have the same time in the day as everyone else. It’s how we use it that determines what we achieve.
Here are a few tips to get you (and myself!) sorted and back on track.
1. Make a teensy, weensy start. Just try doing a little bit of that mountain of paperwork, cleaning, gardening or whatever it is.
2. Write a list. Categorise it – now, tomorrow, next week. Keep adjusting it and keep renewing it.
3. Rid perfectionism. It’s not possible to be perfect. Tell yourself its better that you are doing something rather than nothing at all.
4. Give yourself an earlier deadline – this is mind over matter. Think it. Believe it. It will work!
5. Clear up the clutter – clean your desk, clean your kitchen bench.. you will feel better when everything is clean and tidy. THEN you can start on that list.
What is suffocating you? What’s holding you back?
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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Julie-Ann

    May 18, 2010

    Great advice- I love lists. It feels so good to cross things of the list as you get it done:)

  2. Elements

    May 18, 2010

    Thanks for reminding me to write my to do lists………my problem is I don't make time to write them:) but like you said its mind over matter and just making yourself do these things….
    …and yes I still would love to have a new blog…

  3. Alison

    May 19, 2010

    Great idea.
    My time management skills seem to have flown out the door since Max started working from home.
    Will try and implement your tips

  4. Alison Gibbs

    May 19, 2010

    Great idea.
    My time management skills seem to have flown out the door since Max started working from home.
    Will try and implement your tips

  5. Amanda

    May 27, 2010

    Great tips Katrina – I love your list – sounds very me 🙂 I am a huge list maker and find it so satisfying crossing things off. I've had to work on the getting rid of perfectionism – I used to always tell myself things like 'I'll sit down and enjoy that magazine once the house is all nice and tidy' – I've since discovered nothing is ever as perfect as I'd like and that's ok 🙂

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