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When things have been looming

I've been a little quiet over here and that's not usually me! I have always written on my blog daily (well pretty much) and since December I have been a real hit and miss. I think I've needed some time out, and over the next month I don't expect to be blogging much again. I …


I’ve been a little quiet over here and that’s not usually me! I have always written on my blog daily (well pretty much) and since December I have been a real hit and miss. I think I’ve needed some time out, and over the next month I don’t expect to be blogging much again. I have my looming surgery in a few days and I have not been well enough to even get up some days. A combination of general unwellness, anxiousness and feeling like the world needs to stop until it’s all over… I am fine though, no major dramas, I just have a little bump in the road and can’t focus on much else until it’s all done.

When the doctor asked me back in early December when I wanted my surgery I said not before Christmas and he said he was away all of January. I said no probs that means I won’t be having it until the very end of February because there were 3 things in my mind I HAD to be a part of before the surgery….

They were…

  1. Getting my middle boy sorted at high school
  2. Taking my little kid to a particular cricket game that was important to him
  3. Be a part my eldest’s 16th birthday and be there to see him get his L-plates

I woke up today knowing all of those 3 tasks are done and now I am ready for me to get fixed up, and start a new chapter.

You know when you have things in your head you NEED to tick off before you can allow yourself to do anything else? That’s where I’ve been at for the last few months.

I also thought I would go in to this surgery feeling quite well and organised, but that hasn’t happened. I haven’t been physically able to do tasks I normally love to do – like a good clean up of cupboards, or the windows, or just some deep cleaning. My Mum is coming to stay here with the kids and I said to her yesterday I haven’t been able to clean like I normally would and I didn’t want her to think I was a slob…. She just laughed (she would never think that anyway, it’s me being over the top as usual) and told me to pause for now because in a few months I’ll be back bouncing around feeling better than ever. She’s right.

I can’t wait for this all to be over. I can’t wait to hopefully feel a little better. I know I will! I have to be patient and keep going.

I’ll pop back in here when I can… but if I don’t, then I will definitely be on Instagram and will add to my stories when I can. ♥ KC.

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Anonymous

    February 23, 2018

    Thinking of you Katrina & wishing you all the best for your surgery. X

  2. Anonymous

    February 23, 2018

    Good luck Katrina x

  3. Anonymous

    February 23, 2018

    All the very best for a successful surgery and a complete recovery Katrina. You’ve got this!

  4. Anonymous

    February 23, 2018

    Book me in for Tuesday training and Friday cricket .. pick up and drop off! Give my number to your Mum and happy to help for anything else! You take time to look after you for a bit!!!!

    • Katrina Chambers

      February 23, 2018

      Thanks Paula! Yep I’ll text you on weekend and sort a few things out. Xx

  5. Ava

    February 23, 2018

    Wishing you all the best with your surgery Katrina and a speedy recovery. Please know that a lot of us have you in our thoughts?

  6. Anonymous

    February 23, 2018

    Sending positive energy lovely . You have weathered so many storms. I’m sure with plenty of rest you will back cleaning the windows in no time. Google luck

  7. Cheryl

    February 24, 2018

    You are amazing and such a great chick!! Make sure you let everyone take care of you. Wishing you all the very best.

  8. Clare

    February 25, 2018

    Oh Katrina! I will be thinking of you and hopeful for a super speedy recovery! Before you know it you will be back to your old self, in fact, probably even better!! Rest up and take care of yourself x

  9. Nicole

    February 27, 2018

    Wishing you the best of luck for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Don’t stress about anything other than your own health (and then try not to stress about that as you are in good medical hands) because it really doesn’t matter.
    Looking forward to seeing you back when you are ready

  10. Donna

    February 27, 2018

    Hoping all goes super smoothly and that your recovery is the fastest ever. Take some time off cleaning. And look after you. Thinking of you xoxo

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