You know how they say things happen in 3's? Well today I woke to Charlotte Dawson staking a stand on twitter trolls, a new song by Carmen Smith and a quote on facebook. ... ... All had the same theme. You can see for yourself... The Universe is talking. Don't you think?
You know how they say things happen in 3’s?
Well today I woke to Charlotte Dawson staking a stand on twitter trolls, a new song by Carmen Smith and a quote on facebook.

All had the same theme. You can see for yourself…
The Universe is talking. Don’t you think?
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Tags:A day in my life
So great to see someone taking a stand against bullying, especially those using social media outlets. So many people are being complete cowards by saying nasty and horrible things about people, many of whom they have never even met. It seems they find it so easy to sit behind their computer/phone and judge people without caring, and probably never even seeing, the consequences. We need to let people know that this is not o.k and it is having dire consequences, especially amongst our young people. Go Charlotte! (and Katrina 🙂
Oh that e card is the best. The best! Xx
Some of them are hilarious!
Scandi Coast Home
Hi Katrina,
I really hope so!
Isn’t is just easier to be nice?
Let’s hope all the niceness that gets sent your way more than compensates for any negativity ;o)
Have a great day!!!
Tania xx
It is much easier to be nice.
I am always completely bewildered by human beings who can hold in their hearts and heads, hatred, racism, bigotry and judgement. I don’t have time to remember my name some days with kids, husband work and life.
I only wish I could speak up loud enough to tell those who speak crap the loudest to just go and volunteer all that time they have on their hands.
Thanks for highlighting that thankfully there are people out there who can talk louder when its needed.
I love what is happening. These cowards are getting called out. Pity they’ll probably keep on hiding. Rachel x
Just had to share this……glad someone is standing up and saying something……’s SO EASY to hide behind their computer screens, phones etc. I always think if you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all!
♥ that e-card
Mrs Woog
I just do not condone this, or put up with it. I have no room in my life for it. I have put up with some fairly hideous trolling, and a wise woman once said to me….
“It says more about them than it does about me…”
I wonder who that was Katrina?
Hmmm yes, I know! It’s true. I remind myself this all the time.
Michelle Hayward
SNAP! I blogged this too!!!!!!! Good on you Charlotte Dawson for calling this woman out (not that she was apologetic) but BULLIES must be exposed!!! I just love that they are so brave behind a computer, but yeah, truth is, they would never actually say it to your face! I teach my kids this one simple rule – if you’re going to talk about someone behind their back, be prepared to say ‘Yeah I said that…’ OR learn to run really fast!!!! I’ll never say anything about someone behind their back that I wouldn’t be game to have called into question! If someone asked ‘Did you say this…I’d say yes, and why!’ Having had it done to me, generally speaking I approach the person first, gossip never solves anything!
Love this vid! It has a 90’s thing x with Jailhouse Rock!
I’m so glad that Charlotte is taking a stand against cyber bullying, I dont tolerate bullying of any kind but over the internet is just gutless.
If you dont like someone or dont agree with the things that they post…just dont follow them! Its really not that hard!
I try and make my Big Girl understand that mean things are done and/or said by people who are unhappy with something about themselves and it’s generally got nothing to do with you. For children I think we often tell them to ignore the “mean” person without necessarily giving them the facts on what can make someone say or do “mean” things, nor do we always give them proactive tools to deal with this kind of thing. Sometimes we do need to ignore mean jibes, etc but other times we need to call the “meanies” on it. So I’ve taught my Big Girl that sometimes she needs to be brave and respond to the “mean girl” directly and if possible, in front of others as you never know who else might be suffering at the hands of the “mean” one. They may give you support, or they may leave you hang out to dry if they’re not as confident as she is in speaking up. So far it has worked on an occasion she spoke up. This is what Charlotte Dawson has done. Power to her!
I’ve just read this on ninemsn
I do hope Charlotte Dawson is ok.