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The bloggers who have completed The Media Maid’s Blog Academy

Hi! How are you all today? You know how I am teaching people to blog over here? Well the 1st round of students have completed their online course and we are now in the midst of the 2nd round... Today I wanted to share with you some of those blogs. I love finding new bloggers, …


Hi! How are you all today?

You know how I am teaching people to blog over here? Well the 1st round of students have completed their online course and we are now in the midst of the 2nd round…

Today I wanted to share with you some of those blogs. I love finding new bloggers, so hopefully some of these lovely ladies will become your favourites too! They are a mixed bunch – some are beginners (so “watch their space” as they use the tools I gave them to build on their blogs) and others are intermediate and have started implementing their new skills…

Click on the banner to be taken to their blog.


















If you are interested in my e-course it will only take you 6 weeks to complete and all the details are over here. I’d love to have you join in! You’ll meet some new bloggers and together we’ll get you blogging better.

Have a great day! X

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. anastasia

    June 1, 2013

    Thanks for the mention Katrina – Im still going through my notes and the video’s – so much great information!!

  2. Alison @Rubylicious Bespoke

    June 2, 2013

    Big thanks Katrina, for the course and the mention. I have woken up to lots of hits on my blog :). Now to keep at it. Enjoy your Sunday xx

  3. Karyn

    June 3, 2013

    Thankyou so much Katrina for the mention. Just going over the tutorials one more time to do a few more tweeks to the blog. Your information was invaluable to someone like me who struggles with technology. It was great to be able to do it in my own time & pace. Highly recommend the Media Maid’s Blog Academy !

  4. Elements at Home

    June 4, 2013

    Thanks lovely Katrina for imparting all your wonderful knowledge to us. I can highly recommend the course to anyone else thinking about it.

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