Sarah and George | Week 8 Upstairs
Score 28.5 / 30
They finally did it! Sarah and George and their wonderful upstairs rooms that included a work from home space, a powder room and a gorgeous kids room was a huge hit with all three judges. The kids’ room in particular with a tepee on the floor had that all-important emotional connection. The art work with prints of Will Smith, Michael Jordan, Kris Jenner and Lady Gaga had immediate impact for the judges once they walked up the stairs. Sarah and George’s aim for their upstairs part of House No.2 was for a sanctuary for a child or a teenager, and they certainly achieved that. So after so many weeks of coming close to the top of the leader board, Sarah and George are finally on top and they couldn’t be happier.

You can shop Sarah & George’s room here. My favourite is the pop art.
Harry and Tash | Week 8 | Upstairs
Score 28 /30
The strong momentum for Harry and Tash continued after they won the living and dining room reveals last week. The beautiful work from home space at the top of the stairs of House No.1 and the view – that incredible oak tree – wowed the judges. A day bed next to the work from home space was a stroke of genius. Inside their bedroom was a huge space and they worked very well around a complicated architectural void. The judges loved the fact the bedroom was flexible. It could easily be turned into a rumpus room it is that large. The Grafico wallpaper in the bedroom as usual was nothing but stunning.
Daniel and Jade | Week 8| Upstairs
Score 27.5 / 30
The South Australian farmers have a different space upstairs to everyone else – as well as a third bedroom, they have a secret attic that can be used for storage. Shaynna felt like doing a little dance in the attic, and why not, it’s that spacious. While their kids’ rumpus room was well laid out, it did lack that emotional connection according to the judges. The kids’ room however was a great asset to upstairs, and with three bedrooms, House No.3 is real estate gold. Some of the highlights included a wonder print by artist Shane Bowden from Art Lovers. Daniel and Jade have never felt more physically drained on The Block as they did this week, but all the hard work was worth it.
Luke and Jasmin | Week 8| Upstairs
Score 26 /30
The Perth married couple had major issues this week after a squeaky floor went horribly wrong, so all things considering, they still delivered some beautiful spaces upstairs. Their living space, or cinema room, had a calm feeling about it and they got the choice of sofa just right according to Shaynna Blaze. She didn’t want to get off it. The shelves were also filled with beautiful products and Jasmin’s style was on point. The bedroom with the VJ panelling continued the beachy, coastal feel of House No.4. The finishings and painting was a bit rough, but considering what happened on the Saturday before room reveal Luke and Jasmin did an amazing job.
Jimmy and Tam | Week 8 | Upstairs
Score 25.5 / 30
Last is not something Jimmy and Tam are used to, but don’t be too concerned, they still have their eye on the prize. Jimmy and Tam delivered a media room and a bedroom upstairs in their 1950s inspired House No.5 The bedroom with the Grafico wallpaper matched well with bedroom No.1 across the hallway and was beautifully styled. Tam had a huge arrangement of dried flowers, despite the fact Neale has been very vocal he is not a fan …. Are they having a joke with him? The big issue with the media room was the placement of the TV, all three judges thought it was too high considering the level of the couch and how close it was to the TV.
You can shop Jimmy & Tam’s room
here. My favourite is the
Cris Santos
I have to say to all block contestants a huge congratulations to every single one of them. They work extremely hard and they create stunning spaces. Love these images all areas are stunning Cris