Here we are again (if you missed Part I click here), in her entry...huge high recessed ceiling, decorative plaster and the most divine lighting.Gorgeous floors too!Next this is her formal lounge room off the entry. She has big plans in here. But love that fireplace!Then here is another hallway with another of her favourite Dash …
Here we are again (if you missed Part I click here), in her entry…huge high recessed ceiling, decorative plaster and the most divine lighting.Gorgeous floors too!
Next this is her formal lounge room off the entry. She has big plans in here. But love that fireplace!
Then here is another hallway with another of her favourite Dash and Albert rugs. Those skirting boards come halfway up my legs I am sure!
Now I just needed to say something out loud – what is the etiquette when it comes to commenting and returning the favour? I mean it really pisses me when you incesently leave a polite/encouraging/positive comment on someone’s blog, every post, every day and they NEVER comment back?? Gee, I know blogging is not all about commenting, but isn’t it polite to acknowledge the other’s blog? And I am not talking about those blogs that have hundreds of comments because as if they could comment back every time. I am talking about those average blogs. What’s up with that??
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But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block.
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But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block.
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Your sister's house is lovely – looking forward to seeing more.
Don't worry about that blogger maybe they have no idea (or are just plain rude). I just got dumped by a follower and you know about it when you don't have many…funny blog world.
A Very Fine House {and}
Thanks Anita! I am not worried, it's just that some people need to get with the effing program!! π
You're a classic!
I have an interior design site and I am interested in purchasing a link on your website. Your site looks great and I would love to be part of your blogroll. Or, if you prefer we could exchange links.
If this is possible, could you let me know how much you would charge for a basic text link. My site is located at
Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing back from you.
Paint Me White
Hi Katrina love seeing the pics of your sister home. It looks huge and she has great taste (like her sister I guess).
Do agree about the blog commenting, is nice to receive a comment when you constantly leave one on others. Just a polite thing to do I guess. Sandy x
What a lovely bright home.
I love the playroom.
Gee, you've got me thinking, I don't leave comments nearly enough, but I am faithful to my favourite blogs.
Can't wait to see the rest of the house & hanging to see yours. I've loved the pictures of your boy's rooms.
Have a great weekend,
Beach Vintage
I love the white walls and the fireplace.
Janine Marshall
Hi Katrina,
I don't have a blog of my own and I am totally obsessed with interiors design and decorating. I leave comments on my favourites and half the time I go back and see if they comment but they don't (although in saying that I do have some great ones that answer me). Otherwise you feel as if you are talking to yourself and that peeves me off too. I was also wondering about the ettiquette to this. I left one comment on one of my favourite blogs congratulating her on her mention on another very successful blog and NOTHING, little ol' me felt stupid. (Hence to say I have only commented once since 'cause I just thought STUFF IT). I'm like you I think it is just good manners and yes we are all busy but I think that can be an excuse and if you put on your blog comment that you love to receive comments then please be kind enough to leave a comment of your own!!!!
Thanks for letting me vent. Have a great weekend. Great blog by the way. Take Care.
First off, your sisters house is lovely. Lovely clean lines, no clutter.
On the blog thing, you know we must be on the same wave length at the moment. I know I don't do a blog post probably as often as I should & maybe that's why not many people leave comments BUT you have to wonder why people sign up to 'follow' your blog & then not many of them actually leave messages! I currently have 61 people following & only a few (like yourself) actually leaving messages. I do the blog curcuit & read & leave messages approx 3-5 times a week, depending on how much time I have & rarely do any of them return comments. It has me scratching my head on the ones that consistantly get 20 & upwards comments every post, especially when I personaly feel the post was not that spectacuar. Is it a case of people seeing their names on the 'popular' blogs & thinking that they are 'connected with' & 'socialising' with the 'popular group'!!!???
Ok that's my rave for the day!
chair up
Really enjoying the home tour Katrina. What a great house your sister has. Hope we get to see her lounge room once she implements her big plans!
Re the blogger comment thing…if a blogger doesn't reciprocate I find myself reading their blog if I like it but I stop leaving comments. I must admit I've been a shocker lately with the kids home from school and sharing one computer between the 5 of us, I don't get a look-in!
Amie's house looks fabulous. Loving those skirting boards.
Mmm.. there are some weird people out there in blogland!!
Your sister's house is gorgeous!! And I have had the same thing happen to me with leaving comments. I try to always leave comments. I read many blogs and can't comment on every post but I try to make a habit to leave nice thoughts as often as I can. And I even have a few bloggers who have very popular blogs who find the time to return the favor occasionally. So I can only assume those that don't are a little self absorbed.
A Very Fine House {and}
Hey Janine,
I was coming over to say thanks for your input, but you don't have a blog? I couldn't find you! And I am only hoping you get back on here to see that I totally agree with what you are saying…can make you feel silly when you offer advice etc and NOTHING!!!
You know is least now and then to receive some sort of acknowledgment..and I soon learnt very early on when I set up my blog..( I actually did a post about it..but had a change of heart in posting it) that there is definitely a bit of competitiveness and rivalry when it comes to blogging. But the way I see it is that ..I set this blog up as an inspirational journal for myself..the fact that people visit and get some little enjoyment out and leave lovely comments is a bonus..and to meet lovely blogger's ( such as yourself) is a double bonus. So I always keep it very simple in my mind when it comes to rationalising what I do..and why I do it.
However like Ange (chair up) I have found myself slowly dwindling off certain blogs because there is that lack of acknowledgment..or effort on their part…and I agree with you..that it is just nice to once in a while say ..Thanks!
P.S if they end up commenting on their own can still follow those comments up by clicking the box below…Email follow up comments..when you leave a comment π x
A Very Fine House {and}
Hey Anna, your words are ringing true. I have dropped on and off blogging lots here and there, but I have some lovely friends that I met via blogging when I started years ago (and now we are even facebook friends!). I know why I blog and I have that type of personality that doesn't care what people see/think. Don't worry, I can track everyone to my site and I know there are people that always look (to sticky beak, criticise…whatever) but don't comment. Who cares! I find blogging like reading magazines everyday and am addicted haha!!! Thanks for coming over and taking the time to write π
PS. But if I sign on for follow-up comments, my inbox is overloaded! Ha! π
hahahahaha..thats end up with a load in your inbox. I actually didnt even realise some bloggers were emailing till I thought..Hmm..better check my Gmail..which I only set up for this thing and was shocked to see how many emails I
Good girl..just be you always have been and those who love and appreciate your honesty and vivaciousness will always follow π xo
Ness Lockyer
Ok, I am guilty of this. I do however reply to most comments via email as I read that first and all the comments come through on there ae well as emails. Now, when you have maybe 20 blog comments and 30+ emails asking specific details about the post it can take AGES to reply to all. I know that Janine leaves comments on my blog and I have always wanted to get in touch with her (if you are reading this Janine, I do love you…can I have your email?), but beacuse I have no way of contacting her…it is hard – just in case she was talking about me!
So, I sometimes think that like you said, if you dont let the person know you have replied to them on the blog they wont know…but honestly I just dont have the time to contact each one.
So, if you are talking about me, I am sorry…and I have a SUPER SLOW dial up connection, so it probably wont change in a huge hurry until I get broadband…and if not then I am still sorry. I will try harder.
Ness xx
Oh Katrina I feel terrible when reading this post!! I KNOW I'm guilty of this! π
I used to try really hard to get back to everyone who made comments but it ended up taking hours a day & in the end if I did this all the time, I wouldn't have enough time to be with my family, work or even write posts. I try now to get back to questions but it's surprising how many people ask questions & leave no way to contact them. I also try to visit as many other blogs as I can but as time is just running out, I know I'm missing out on some really special ones.
I myself have probably stopped reading certain blogs just bc I got my feelings/ ego wounded or never felt a real connection with the writer bc they never wrote back & I feel terrible that ppl probably think the same thing about me.
Anyway, just had to leave a comment bc I do have a constant guilt about this & loved reading your post on it. It's good to hear but also makes me sad because I know there's just no physical way to get what I'd like to get (responding to everyone) done. (haha as I write right now my two yr old is yanking my arm!! meaning i left way too long of a comment! π sorry!)
great post though!!
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