Today I thought I would give you a look at the blogs I love to read and the ones I think have really great potential. Some are already well established and I just love them and others are still taking off. In no particular order... Redcliffe Style - Rachel started as a place to write about and photograph the …
Today I thought I would give you a look at the blogs I love to read and the ones I think have really great potential. Some are already well established and I just love them and others are still taking off.
In no particular order…
Redcliffe Style – Rachel started as a place to write about and photograph the things she enjoyed. is a light-hearted blog about lifestyle, fashion, beauty and food.
Honey and Fizz – Hi, my name is Simone.
I’m the mama of 3 beautiful boys (Finn, Jasper + Noah) and the wife of Simon (we’re one of those matchy matchy couples!)
I love to read magazines, decorate our home, flick through glossy cookbooks, dream of future holidays, shop for the perfect outfit and get lost in a good book.
This is my space to share moments of my life and the gorgeous things I stumble across.
Life In A Pink Fibro – Allison Tait – I’m a freelance writer, author, mother, blogger, Mrs (order changes depending on day). I used to live in a 1960s pink fibro house, in the middle of a not-city town. Now I live in The Old Girl, and the pink fibro lives on here. I write about motherhood, writing and… whimsy. Sometimes I just write. My first novel is due out in 2013.
Eat Move Explore – Tatum – eat.move.explore has been born from my passion for a healthy lifestyle and my desire to bring together elements of what I have learned over the years both about personal health and growing a healthy family. By healthy I mean active and feeling good on the inside.
In Spaces Between – In Spaces Between is a shiny online space for bright sparks seeking inspiration + words on living a big, beautiful life.
Coastal Style – I am an interior designer living on the coast. I have a background in fashion and love everything to do with interior design, travel, art, cooking, colour and fashion.
Interiors Addict – Interior design blog.
Reality Ravings – for those who have reality tv as their guilty pleasure.
Mr and Mrs Romance – We hope you enjoy leafing through the virtual pages of our real life!
Ish and Chi – Welcome to ish & chi (short for ‘fish & chips!’), a place where I share creative projects including turning my old cottage house into a home + interior design + decorating + style ideas.
DO YOU HAVE FAVOURITE BLOGS? List them here, I’d love to find some new ones out there I haven’t seen before!
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I can not believe you included me, I’m beyond thrilled right now. Thank you so much. Rachel xx
Interesting post Katrina, I haven’t heard of any of those blogs (and am sick of most of the ones in my reader, lol!) so will enjoy looking at those.
It made me think of a question for you – what is your opinion of ‘inspiration’ blogs that never post any of their own photos, they just share others’ work? I don’t know for sure but I cannot imagine that all of them get the correct copyright authority every time to use every photo they publish? I read an interesting article about it on Blogher some months back, and it scared me into taking down the couple of photos I had on my blog that weren’t mine!
xx Karen
I tire easily of blogs that simply rehash others’ photos. The copyright issue is delicate and I never really know the rules. If you find and link to the original source, then you should be ok. I love the blogs with original and pretty photos mixed together. X
Viv @ ish and chi
Thanks SO much Katrina for featuring ish and chi. I think I’m an oldie amongst some of these fab blogs 😉 xx
Just on this topic, the blogs I personally love to follow are ones that offer either original content (i.e. through interviews with designers / creatives etc) or original photography. I guess as a reader I want to see something new and fresh when I visit a site as opposed to seeing other people’s work. I’ve been trying to do this with my own blog. It means I’m not able to write every day though as it takes time to put together.
Viv @ ish and chi
Thanks SO much Katrina for featuring ish and chi. I think I’m an oldie amongst some of these fab blogs 😉 xx
Just on this topic, the blogs I personally love to follow are ones that offer either original content (i.e. through interviews with designers / creatives etc) or original photography. I guess as a reader I want to see something new and fresh when I visit a site as opposed to seeing other people’s work. I’ve been trying to do this with my own blog. It means I’m not able to write every day though as it takes time to pull together.
Sarah B
How exciting for Simone to be included. I know some of the others but will be sure to check the others out. Blogland could do with a bit of a freshen up!
Have a great day Kartina. By the way, your house is looking great. I can’t believe how quickly it is coming together 🙂
Thanks Sarah! I’m so excited!
Simone - honeyandfizz
Thanks so much Sarah & Katrina, really excited to be included. You’ve put me under pressure to blog more 😉 Have to break away from my Instagram addiction.
I love to include a mix of pretty, aspirational photos and my own photos. I guess it is about finding that balance xx
Yvette @ Little Bento Blog
Love Redcliffe Style!! Will check out the others! 🙂
I’ve been a reader of Simone’s for ages now and always love her posts. I’m familiar with about half of the ones you’ve shared so will be sure to check out the others when I get a chance!
Elements at Home
I always love finding new blogs, your round up has given me some newbies to check out.
I am enjoying KL from eternal icons new blog. She has been around for a little while but is much more regular now and her Hubby is a builder so she is full of insight.
You know KC, your blog will always be one to watch but that would be a shameless plug putting your own in the round up…..;-) xx
Awww too kind Kristie! X
Alex aka WHOA MUMMA!
There’s a few that I haven’t heard of and will have to pop into my reader. Love Redcliffe Style!
I am so pleased that you featured Australian blogs! That is so great, especially because you mentioned Redcliffe Style!
I also write a blog, would love it if you could check it out!
I will Belinda, for sure 🙂
Thanks for the reading list! Pink Fibro has long been on mine, and Redcliffe Style for a few months now. Will have to check out the others!
Rhi @ Hummingbird's Song
I love that you’ve listed blogs that I haven’t heard of, and they look beautiful too! Off to add to my list now!
Alicia - Time worn style
Love interiors Addict but haven’t read any of the others so will be interested to pop on over.
I do get frustrated as I don’t cook and have no interest in it at all however it always seems that successful blogs have an element of recipes, photos of food etc etc. (yawn)
Mind you I do just skip over these parts and onto the interior design/stories of the day parts instead 🙂
Just love lilyfield life also samichic is
a must read blog gets a laugh everytime
Rach // In Spaces Between
Thank you so much for including In Spaces Between on your list – what a beautiful surprise! Honoured to be on here. xo
Alice {sweet dreamer}
Thanks for this list. I follow a few of those blogs, but there are definitely some to add to my reader! Love seeing Aussie bloggers supporting other local talents. x
Oooooh more bloggy inspiration. I love reading new blogs. Thanks for these, I will check them out 🙂
Great Karina I am looking forward to reading some new blogs too, the comment about orriginal vs others photos is a biggie. Some of the big blogs seen to be all other people’s photos, not all though. I think a balance is ice and I am finding nowadays I like to post my own pics and to read blogs following other peoples story’s. Mind you, some days I just want to look at pretty pictures.
Janet @ Redland City Living
I’ll admit it, Rachel @ Redcliffe Style was the inspiration behind my blog, 🙂
Ambra Sancin
One of my favourites is Janelle McCullough’s Library of Design – it’s gorgeous:
I also started my blog last year – it’s called The Good, the Bad and the Italian and is mainly food memoir with an Italian twist. You might enjoy it too.
Hi Katrina, I love this post. I regualary read a few of them. We all need to spread the word on the fabulous blogs we have in oz. Speaking of which you can check my blog over at
All the best. Lisa xo
Hello Katrina – Your blog is beautiful and it was actually fashion and interior design blogs that attracted me to blogging and inspired me to start my own. After a crash course in blogging, taught by local fashionista – Phoebe Montague (LadyMelbourne.Com)- I started my own: 50 Shades of Unemployment at