This is the start of my friend's playroom. She started with basically an empty room and bought 2 grey/blue denim type lounges. Then together we shopped for a floor rug, lamps beside the TV, cushions and frames for the kids artworks. She has 4 kids - 2 girls and 2 boys. The house she lives …

These photos do not do the room any justice as I took them on my phone. If a professional photographer wants to visit her house, she would be more than obliging 🙂 LOL.
I painted the table for her in red gloss and it looks very cool. She has ordered a big ‘&’ sign to put between the ‘Girls’ and ‘Boys’ letters. On an opposite wall, she will be putting a big shelf/bookcase of some description (to be decided still McGill??).
And how about all the storage around the TV? Drawers, cupboards…. Oh, and that TV needs to mounted on the wall (yeah one day Ange says haha). You see, Ange is one of my bestest friends, but nothing gets done overnight in her house. She is very patient and very calm, until I walk through the door and start hammering pictures onto walls, and tell her to get some cash out, cos we are going shopping!
But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block.
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Maricris Zen Mama
wow you did an awesome job! I love it!
Paint Me White
Katrina this is an unreal kids play room. Love the idea of being able to close the door and have all the kids toys contained in the one room and not scattered all over the house. Love the red coffee table miss.
Wow that's awesome!!!!
Happy Sits Saturday Sharefest!
Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo
If you could see our house.
The entire living/dining room is now a child's dream of an "outdoor" play area as well as half of a pre-school area.
Reason being, my sons have severe asthma. Being outside makes it worse. So now that they are 18 mos, I bought the climbing wall, teeter totter, you name it, ball pit, big road rug… and it is inside. No sandbox but that will go on the deck once we dump the table and chairs in the basement!
We waited forever and ever to become parents and these kids own us. We have very expensive furniture that is now in storage in our locked down rooms… so they can have a playroom that ROCKS! When the room is finished I will post it on my blog, because, I don't know many parents who would strip their house bare for the sake of two asthmatic kids so they can climb and jump to their hearts' content!!!!
thanks for visiting my little blog…the red table ROCKS and your friend has done a great job, with your help, of creating a very gender neutral room.
smooches for a great weekend
%*_*% rosey