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I’ve been quiet

I've been a bit quiet this past week. I've had a lot going on. We spent the weekend in Melbourne doing photo shoots for TV Week (I'll let you know when those are printed) and then I was supposed to be going to a ball, but I have been unwell...Those that have read my blog …


I’ve been a bit quiet this past week. I’ve had a lot going on. We spent the weekend in Melbourne doing photo shoots for TV Week (I’ll let you know when those are printed) and then I was supposed to be going to a ball, but I have been unwell…

Those that have read my blog for a long time know I struggle with crohn’s disease. I have recently lost 13 kgs due to The Block, crohn’s and not being very well.

On Monday I started on a drug trial for my crohns. There are only 2 other people on this trial in Melbourne at St Vincent’s Hospital (where I go). So I have been testing and trying to qualify for this drug over the past month. The reason I am on this trial is because I have no other medication left available to me. I have done it all over the past 16 years and I either have reactions or no results from PBS approved medication.

The hardest thing about a trial is that I had to “fail” certain targets to qualify. This meant I had to be sick to get it. So instead of trying to get well for the last month, I had to stay sick. With this massive crohn’s flare I have been experiencing, I have suffered from odema in my ankles (which started in master bedroom week on The Block), ulcers on the back of my calves (which started this same week) and arthritis (this started after The Block finished about 6 weeks ago). So I have been battling and feeling awful for months.

I had a steroid injection in my ankle 2 weeks ago and that is slowly improving. I have been at the dermatology clinic at St Vincent’s lots over the last 2 weeks for the ulcers (I can’t take medication for these because of the trial) and the arthritis is only being managed with panadol.

If you know about trial drugs, you’ll know that I only have a 1 in 3 chance of actually receiving the drug. So for all I know I could be receiving the placebo drug and I have to stick with it for 12 weeks. Then I’ll be re-assessed. There are a lot of unknowns in a drug trial. If I remain as sick as I am and continue to lose weight, I’ll have to come off the drug.

The reason I write about crohn’s is because it’s a disease that either no one talks about, or knows nothing about. To look at me, I am fine. I am positive and happy, yet I spend my life looking for toilets…

How did I survive The Block?


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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Penny

    July 21, 2011

    Dreadful time you've been having Katrina, sorry to hear that. You've made me think about the ad I saw on TV during the week – the "I can't wait" campaign. These things have gotta be talked about, in a similar way to mental illness. More power to you luv! And best of health XO

    PS. I only started watching that show because of you and I still reckon you and your sis are the BOMB!

  2. Penny

    July 21, 2011

    PS. I had noticed and wondered about the 'Doctors app' note on your blackboard!

  3. jo_an

    July 21, 2011

    Katrina you are an inspiration!. keep on fighting this battle and i wish and hope and pray that one day a cure will be found!. hope that the symptoms become easier to cope with and that this trail turns things around. wishing you all the very best xo

  4. Kek

    July 21, 2011

    Fingers crossed that you're getting the drug, and that it works.

    What a nightmare it must have been for you on The Block, having to trek outdoors through the mud to the loo all the time. :/ And you kept such a smiley face 90% of the time! The judges should have awarded extra points for that. 😉

  5. Annie @ My White Homestead

    July 22, 2011

    Oooo Katrina – I now can only marvel at what you and Amie are completing on the block – away from your babies and men and to be so sick with Crohns. My sister Lisa has a bad bowel & coeliac disease so I know first hand that knowing where the loo is can be the most important thing in ones day. Love all that you are doing on the Block and I wish you all the best with the trial – Big Hugs from the Snowy Mountains – Annie xo

  6. Natasha Burns

    July 22, 2011

    I don't know how you survived The Block, you're a trooper! You did look so skinny last Sunday when we visited. I hope you get the trial drug and not a placebo, and that it WORKS!

  7. De Novo Concepts

    July 22, 2011

    All the best Katrina, hope you feel better soon!

  8. Rosebud and Bluebells

    July 22, 2011

    All the best Katrina, I truly hope you respond well to this trial drug and get well soon.

    Keep us posted on your progress and again good luck I hope you feel better soon.

    Love Donna xx

  9. Jodi @ The Scribble Den

    July 22, 2011

    Hugs and wishes for you Katrina.

  10. Patrice

    July 23, 2011

    It all sounds so awful and you're so strong and positive. I'm ashamed to say I know nothing about Chrohns Disease and am now off to educate myself.

    Take good care of you xox.

  11. KL

    July 23, 2011

    Your ability to survive The Block and still smile is a credit to you. My daughter suffers IBS and I see how debilitating it can be for her, so you have my heartfelt sympathy dealing with Crohns! Good luck with the trial, I'll keep my fingers crossed that it results in a breakthrough successful treatment, and that you aren't receiving the placebo!
    x KL

  12. Lindsay

    July 23, 2011

    Thinking of you, and I hope this trial gives you something that works. You are an inspiration! xo

  13. Catherine

    July 23, 2011

    I hope you have got the real deal with the drugs. How terrible that it has gotten to this point for you. I really hope to pay the block a visit when I come to Melbourne in September! I can't wait. I would love to meet you there too! My absolute favourite contestants!

  14. Tracy

    July 24, 2011

    Oh you poor girl, what an awful ordeal to go through.
    I am a big fan of both of you girls and really want you to win. I love your sense of humour which shows your strength of character..keep on marching on. ;D

  15. onlylisa

    July 24, 2011

    Good luck with the trial. I hope you're remembering to stay positive at the moment, free of outside influences (if you know what I mean) because attitude definitely counts in a med trial.

  16. Posie Patchwork

    July 25, 2011

    Well you are the new poster girl for Crohns, you do so well with just making it fit into your fantastic life, go girl, love Posie

  17. Sue

    July 26, 2011

    Katrina I had noticed that you lost weight in the last few weeks on the show. My SIL suffered with chron's and was always looking for toilets too, so she finally got her colostomy bag which made life so much easier. Sadly she got cancer 3 years ago from the original operation for chron's which claimed her life and she was only 40 and left behind her hubby and 2 fantastic kids. I do hope that the trial drugs work for you and you dont go through too much agony with it all as it can be quite painful and frustrating.

  18. Andy

    August 11, 2011

    Oh Katrina, crohn's disease totally sucks!! I have been on the same roller coaster ride for about 12 years. Its sad to think of the amount of pain we live with everyday. But it is inspirational to see what a fantastic job you have done on the block. I am a mum of three girls, work full time and love to renovate, but my disease dictates my day! Hugs and kisses from Tassie! WELL DONE Andy xxx

  19. Sarah

    August 16, 2011

    Best of luck with the drug trial Katrina! I have my fingers crossed for you. I also have Crohn's and was diagnosed last year after suffering through dibilatating pain for some time now. You are truly inspirational, if you can get through The Block whilst having a flare up, it makes me think I can do anything! It's nice to have someone in the public eye actually talk about it. Thank you. PS. Awesome work on the show – you girls are going to win for sure!

  20. Keir

    August 16, 2011

    Oh no, it sounds like an awful flare up you have. My daughter and I can both associate with spending so much time looking for toilets! I really hope the trial drugs work for you, all the best 🙂

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