I've been a bit quiet this past week. I've had a lot going on. We spent the weekend in Melbourne doing photo shoots for TV Week (I'll let you know when those are printed) and then I was supposed to be going to a ball, but I have been unwell...Those that have read my blog …
I’ve been a bit quiet this past week. I’ve had a lot going on. We spent the weekend in Melbourne doing photo shoots for TV Week (I’ll let you know when those are printed) and then I was supposed to be going to a ball, but I have been unwell…
Those that have read my blog for a long time know I struggle with crohn’s disease. I have recently lost 13 kgs due to The Block, crohn’s and not being very well.
On Monday I started on a drug trial for my crohns. There are only 2 other people on this trial in Melbourne at St Vincent’s Hospital (where I go). So I have been testing and trying to qualify for this drug over the past month. The reason I am on this trial is because I have no other medication left available to me. I have done it all over the past 16 years and I either have reactions or no results from PBS approved medication.
The hardest thing about a trial is that I had to “fail” certain targets to qualify. This meant I had to be sick to get it. So instead of trying to get well for the last month, I had to stay sick. With this massive crohn’s flare I have been experiencing, I have suffered from odema in my ankles (which started in master bedroom week on The Block), ulcers on the back of my calves (which started this same week) and arthritis (this started after The Block finished about 6 weeks ago). So I have been battling and feeling awful for months.
I had a steroid injection in my ankle 2 weeks ago and that is slowly improving. I have been at the dermatology clinic at St Vincent’s lots over the last 2 weeks for the ulcers (I can’t take medication for these because of the trial) and the arthritis is only being managed with panadol.
If you know about trial drugs, you’ll know that I only have a 1 in 3 chance of actually receiving the drug. So for all I know I could be receiving the placebo drug and I have to stick with it for 12 weeks. Then I’ll be re-assessed. There are a lot of unknowns in a drug trial. If I remain as sick as I am and continue to lose weight, I’ll have to come off the drug.
The reason I write about crohn’s is because it’s a disease that either no one talks about, or knows nothing about. To look at me, I am fine. I am positive and happy, yet I spend my life looking for toilets…
How did I survive The Block?
But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block.
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Hi Katrina, a dear friend of mine also has severe crohns to the extent that if she suffers another chronic attack the only option remaining is a colostomy. So I understand your situation and truly empathise.
May the trial drugs work wonders for you!
Paint Me White
Katrina I must admit that I did notice over these last few weeks how much weight you have lost. terrible way to lose weight though by being sick. I suffer from sensative bowl and have as long as I can remember. I am a firm believer that stress triggers it off and when I am not stressed I dont seem to get it as often. I can relate to spending your life in many a toilet not a nice thing. Loving you and Amy on the Block. The kids and I did were so pleased when you won the wallpaper challenge. Sandy xx
A Bite of Country Cupcakes
Oh Katrina….I feel so much for you as I actually know 4 yes 4…You included with crohns. It can be such a debilitating and evil disease….I will keep you in my prayers as I imagine Crohns and being Mumma are hard combos'
Zdenka Burnett
Aww Kat 🙁 Im so sorry to hear that. I can imagine what you went through, my best friends 25 year old borhter had to fly all the way over to Australia from Dubai after just moving there because he had chrones disease and had to get an operation.. I hope you are okay Kat, Get well soon 🙁 Lots of love xoxo
Love you xxx
Oh Katrina I feel so sorry for you. I really hope you are on the trial drug and it works for you. Keep your lovely spirit up!
You are a tower of strength, Katrina! Sending lots of love and positive vibes your way, and I hope you feel better soon.
Both yourself and Amie Rock The Block!!!
I enjoy seeing your bright smile on the block each night (am rooting for the girl power!) and no idea you were suffering, I'm really sorry to hear that. I wish you all the best and if positive thinking is anything to go by I'm sure you'll be kicking crohn's butt soon. Good luck x
So sorry that your Crohn's is behaving so badly. I feel a little guilty that my IBD isn't too bad. Hopefully you'll get the drug & it will work wonders for you 🙂
Adeline Country Cottage
Oh Katrina really sorry to here that your not well, I too noticed through the show and meeting up with you last week how much weight you have lost, sending well wishes to you and fingers crossed you get the trial drug, keep that smile on your beautiful face…BTW love the editorial on you girls in Real Living : )
xxx Kirst
Oh no. My aunt suffers from chrohns disease and often has pain from it. I would be interested to know if there is a family history of gastro-intestinal problems in your family cause there is in ours, with at least 4 generations having varying issues. I imagine that the stress of working on The Block wouldn't have helped your condition either. Hope you are feeling better soon and that you get the trial drug rather than a placebo!
I must admit, when I saw the docks where you were doing the billboard wallpaper challenge, I did think of you and hoped that there was a toilet nearby! I have been watching you fade away during the show, secretly hoping it wasn't your crohns but just lack of decent food. You are a champion. I don't know how you managed it. It would have been stressful enough without a chronic illness on top of it all. You poor chook. I hope all those trolls on facebook and twitter read this post. Katrina is a champion, a trooper, a stayer. A-M xx PS Fingers crossed that you did not get the placebo.
Gail McCormack
You're truly are a Trouper Katrina!! I admire you so very much, good healthy vibes being sent to you
xx Gail
Junk-it Junction...
Sorry to hear Katrina, it seems it is an everyday battle…I hope you have the opportunity to take the trial drug, and it is worth going backwards, before moving forwards!
Take care xx
B is building a house
I love watching you and hope you get better soon.
Sweetie, I have arthritis and fibromyalgia; I have inflammatory colitis from the arthritis, and my Mum has Crohns, so I have an idea of what you are going/went through. I don't know how you did it. But you are awesome!
Oh chickie, I feel for you so much. My hubby too suffers from Crohns and UC and I IBS so we can so relate to the constant looking for toilet thing. I really really hope that the trial works for you. You so deserve to get through with the real deal. I so hope you start to feel better soon and you get some improvement. You are awesome and a champion. Dont know how you did it. Sending you lots of good health vibes. Take care xx
Oh, Katrina. I second what A-M said. You poor darling. Crossing fingers and toes you are taking the trial version and that it works. J x
You take it easy as much as you can.
Talking about Crohns raises an awareness of it, which is a very good thing.
Hope your treatment helps. xx
Katrina I have Arthritis and that alone is enough so I cant imagine what you have been going through 🙁
Fingers crossed no placebo for you!!