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Inspiration/mood boards… do you have one?

Last year I wrote posts occasionally about motivation and inspiration, and this year I will be writing more of them. I don't write them because I think my life is so awesome and yours isn't... I write them for me too. I've spent the last couple of weeks thinking over stuff and I know that …


Last year I wrote posts occasionally about motivation and inspiration, and this year I will be writing more of them. I don’t write them because I think my life is so awesome and yours isn’t… I write them for me too. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks thinking over stuff and I know that when the negativity sneaks in, I need to shift my thoughts. Last year I achieved a lot of things that I never dreamt I would achieve. But there were also things that left me frustrated and I am still yet to achieve them. I am still trying to make things happen but can’t quite get there… When this happens I start looking for inspiration.

Maxabella Loves wrote a post about choosing your word for the year 2013. I loved her word for last year: BETTER. I am stealing that one. I’d like to be better at things. Pop over and have a read at the words people have chosen, it’s a great idea.

Also while I was on holiday I download this: 100 Quotations To Make You Think and you have probably already seen me send out a few of the quotes. I love a good quote. Some people hate them! Ha, that’s ok, but you might want to click off my blog as I’ll be using a few of them 😉

Then I was reading an excerpt from Kyle Sandilands book and he talked about The Secret (I’ve blogged about this before). He said that when it came along he had a pencil case full of inspiration and every single of one of them came true. I have a list of goals that I carry around, but I think I’d like to make an inspiration board…

Do you have one? Is it a board, a pencil case or a folder? Do you find it works?

Over the next few weeks I am going to start gathering little snippets of items I want to purchase, goals I want to achieve and things that keep me motivated.

PS. Thanks for loving my linen cupboard yesterday. Many of you hooked in and got yours sorted I see. Well done!

PPS. Don’t forget to check out all the new items on UNDER 100 DOLLARS.

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Michelle Hayward

    January 7, 2013

    Hey Katrina, I do have a mood board. I make them semi-regularly! I did one a few weeks ago now. About five years ago I wrote a list of I guess must haves or wants/requirements maybe (needs more so is a better word) and basically I fulfilled nearly everything on the page. Since moving four years ago though, despite mood boards and all the rest of it, nothing has worked. Maybe I haven’t put in 100% EFFORT! I KNOW that they do work though and we are creating two new ones (well my graphic designer husband is….lol I just supplied the photos!) Anyway…that’s life I guess. Sometimes things pan out, sometimes they don’t! It is what it is! But I am trying! I think I have to be more certain & assertive. I know I can make it happen, I just may have to apply a different methodology/way of doing that maybe? A friend created a LIST which she tucked into her pillowcase a few years back! It worked a treat. She got everything she needed! So yep, I say give it a go!
    🙂 PS I love quotes, and use them A LOT on my Blog! I am trying to be more positive too, despite the constant ravages going on here!

  2. Michelle Hayward

    January 7, 2013

    PS I’ve started one on Pinterest (but it’s hidden – it’s just for me). I don’t need to share it with the world. It’s my little pocket of inspiration!

    • Katrina

      January 7, 2013

      Love that idea!

      • Michelle Hayward

        January 7, 2013

        Glad you like the idea. It’s working really well! I’m even going to print it off and have a copy on the wall, before the board gets too big. So far I only have 13 photos on it, but I think it’s gonna be huge! 🙂

  3. Niki

    January 7, 2013

    Katrina. I LOVE a quote or affirmation. Love.
    Bless you. I have a huge book stuffed with ideas, quotes, affirmations, reminders to say something positive everyday to those I love(trust me, being trapped indoors for 3 days straight because of 40 plus degree weather with 4 boys, I often need a reminder after awhile-ha) It has my goals & aspirations & little cut/tear outs. This year I am doing the pom pom string over my massive chalkboard to hang my favourite pictures of the last year go look back over & be inspired to make this year even better. Lots of pics of kids on beaches, in the garden, home decorating projects & the like. I look forward to seeing your posts. Niki

    • Katrina

      January 7, 2013

      Such a great idea! I can’t wait to get in to my new house to do something like this 🙂

  4. Emily

    January 7, 2013

    I feel I’m not creative enough to have an inspiration/mood board. I’ve tried, but it never looks like what’s in my head.

    But the head version is enough. I work from lists and words and a good view out my window, and the mood board in my head, and it works. It’s just not something I can point to so that other people see it.

    • Michelle Hayward

      January 7, 2013

      Emily, my husband is a graphic artist and he puts the pics together for me (coz I’m hopeless) but one day I decided to make my own without anyone’s help, using a corkboard and pics that inspired me from magazines. I just collaged it all together with drawing pins. Not as pretty as his but it did the job and I could move them around at will, change them etc…shame I stuck my finger with a pin! LOL

      • Michelle Hayward

        January 7, 2013

        Or you could use PICMONKEY – Katrina has a tutorial on the blog about how to use it and it’s really simple!

  5. Renee

    January 7, 2013

    I think this is a fabulous idea. I need to sort a physical one out for myself asap!

  6. Tracy

    January 7, 2013

    I’m a big believer in putting pics of things you want up, I put cut outs from mags or photos anything I love, from the eames dining chair to a colour of a feature wall or a kitchen layout anything that catches my eye I pop on the fridge along with the photos of my family, I honestly think if you can look at them daily and imagine living with them they will come, so far from my “inspiration board” aka “fridge door” I have my car! Lounge suite! Kitchen! Just got new floating floor! Plants in my garden! Tv cabinet! The eames chairs from Matt blatt are still to come but the little pic I have will keep the dream alive. Xx

  7. Jane

    January 7, 2013

    I’m a huge fan of moodboards, Katrina. I have three hanging in front of me! I just re-did them and was so interested to see how my style is evolving. Before, they were jam-packed with inspiration, like my mind was in overdrive. Now they’re more pared back as things are becoming clearer in my life. I’d love to see yours! J x

  8. anna White

    January 8, 2013

    This has been on my list of things to do for AGES now…I have so many snippets I have collected and cut out from magazines…must make it a priority…always feel better when there are goals to work on acheiving and being surrounded by things that inspire you. Thanks for the kick up the butt I needed luv…Loving the first two images!! x

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