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I’m giving away a $100 voucher to spend at The Media Maid

Yes, you read it right! I'm giving away a $100 voucher to spend in my store [The Media Maid]. Do you need a blogspot makeover? A wordpress blog makeover? A Facebook cover photo? Or just some tweaking on your current site? Pop on over to see what the services include! All you have to do to …


Yes, you read it right! I’m giving away a $100 voucher to spend in my store [The Media Maid].

Do you need a blogspot makeover? A wordpress blog makeover? A Facebook cover photo? Or just some tweaking on your current site?

Pop on over to see what the services include!

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post.

Share this post if you wish 🙂

I’ll draw a winner next week.

Good luck!

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Belinda

    June 7, 2012

    I need help! New business, working from home. Love your blog and would really appreciate your expertise.

  2. Tracy

    June 8, 2012

    Congratulations on you win, awesome stuff!

    I would love to go to blogher – goal for 2013 – Go to Blogher

    First, the website might be down at the moment – I am changing hosts (by myself) so hmmm, well we’ll see in 48 hours apparently! I’ve added the temp address which should work 🙂 – clearly I need help 🙂

    Trying not to disappear has a new project in the wings. I am on a mission to raise awareness of Australia’s homelessness epidemic!

    I have just registered a domain name: which I would love some help with.

    This is a good cause so I am hoping to pull at your heart strings :).

    Hope we get it!

  3. lisa

    June 8, 2012

    I’ve been procrastinating about contacting you and getting some help with my blog now I have motivation! I hope you pick me, love to meet you one day when I visit my old home town of Wagga, still have a sister living just out of town on property.

  4. Saskia

    June 8, 2012

    Jumping in, gotta be in it to win it.

    Am building my blog at the moment for my little handcrafted business. It’s pretty plain and simple, I wouldn’t mind some help with some icons or bars/links for pinterest/twitter/facebook.

  5. Tam

    June 9, 2012

    Ooh, I’m definitely not going to say no to a little bloggy help! Count me in 🙂

  6. Beverley Whyfon

    June 9, 2012

    As an independent beauty consultant for Mary Kay I would love to be able to blog about our products and other everyday issues. Your help would be great and with the $100 to start that would be awesome. Thanks Katrina

  7. The distressed mother

    June 9, 2012

    Oh count me in pls.

    TDM xx

  8. Emily

    June 9, 2012

    Love what i’ve bought so far would love an excuse for more!!

  9. Kim

    June 9, 2012

    Firstly, a big Congrats on your win!! You won fair & square so sit back and enjoy!

    We would love your help to pretty up our blog! Our website’s great but with 6 kids between us and a site to run our blog’s image has been sadly neglected.

    Please help us astound our followers with new blogging style!

  10. Janine

    June 10, 2012

    Oh I would love help with a wordpress blog makover…..

  11. Andrea

    June 10, 2012

    I am not sure if this has been drawn or not, but couldnt take the chance on missing out on the opportunity! I am currently setting up a small business and would love some Wow! I couldnt think of a better person to help! Thanks for the opportunity you have given to one of us 🙂

  12. Arindom

    June 10, 2012

    I’m also having this odd Picasle problem for some 3 days now. It comes in chrome only. I have detached all my plug-ons except one.
    There are three words written below Picasle. The entire shebang is like a water mark

  13. Enid Bite'Em

    June 10, 2012

    My blog is less than a month old. It has ‘issues’. I love the photos of you draped all over your new Ford with your 3 boys (I have two sons, but as they are only 4 years, and a few months old, they have not learnt to drape themselves over cars just yet).

  14. Caroline

    June 10, 2012

    Hi Katrina I absolutely need $100 towards a revamp. I have a domain name with shopping cart, facebook, blog and twitter..
    The website banner and fb banner are B O R I N G!!!

  15. Kate

    June 11, 2012

    I designed my blog myself and would love a little makeover x Congrats on the blog win too! x

  16. Bec

    June 11, 2012

    I need help! I’m a newbie and need help translating my style onto my blog. One of my long term blog goals would be to make the Top 50!!

    Congratulations on your win, love your style x

  17. kim

    June 11, 2012

    I’d love to start my own website for a soon to be new business.

  18. Cathy

    June 11, 2012

    I would love you to design a new header for my blog!! Have an idea what I want and could probably do it myself…but it just won’t look polished (as all your work does)! If I had any sort of budget I’d pay you to just do it but at the moment my blog is more a “hobby” and I don’t have extra cash to spend on this luxury.

  19. anastasia

    June 11, 2012

    what a great giveaway! id love a chance to win!

  20. Leanne @ Uber Simplicity

    June 11, 2012

    Oh I would LOVE to win a blog makeover! And a big congrats on your win as well 🙂

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