Oooo looky at what I am giving you! I'm feeling generous :) You just have to leave a comment on this post AND Follow me over there on the top right. I'm also going to giveaway a Facebook makeover, so pop over here to join that one. Good luck bloggers! x

I’m feeling generous 🙂
You just have to leave a comment on this post AND Follow me over there on the top right.
I’m also going to giveaway a Facebook makeover, so pop over here to join that one.
Good luck bloggers! x
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Tags:Blog Tips
Megan Kay
I would so love this, my blog is in dire need of a makeover and I really really want to find more of a direction for my brand. I would love your help, so pick me… pretty please of course 🙂
I would love to win this prize. Thanks for the generosity. I want to take my blogging a step further so a makeover would tie in nicely. BTW they are reapeating your season of “The Block” again here in NZ, I am excited cos I get to watch the prog all over again.
Oh just when I was considering a whole new blog change including name! Awesome giveaway.
Wow, lots of entries! How are you picking winner?
Have been meaning to give blog a makeover for AGES but never enough time!! Would absolutely LOVE to win this prize!! I could then say Katrina from The Block designed my blog 🙂
Dorothy @ Singular Insanity
Ooh, yes please!
Would love to see what wonders you could weave over my insane blog…
Oh what a great giveaway! I have been a longtime reader!
I desperately need a blog makeover there is so much I would love to do but don’t know how to do it
I would love a blog make over! I have been blogging for a few years and have lost the urge to blog as often as I used to. I am starting my life over again soon and a blog make over would be perfect!
Love keeping up with Katrina from the Block on twitter too!
Oh my, how wonderful would that be. My blog looks soooo boring that even I feel like going to sleep looking at it! Please help me. BTW, you are amazing!!! Just thought I would add that. LOL
Sharing the love!! What a generous and talented person you are. I’m only new on the ‘blog’ scene and would love a fresh looking blog that is easy to use and very user friendly. I love reading your blog and love, love, love your design ability and fashion sense. I’d love you to work some of your magic on my little baby blog xxxx
Jenny Qld
I would love a blog makeover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fiona Gaven
Hi Katrina,
I love your blog work and have been following you on facebook and your blog for ages My 2 closest blogger friends , Sandy (paint me white) and Meg, ( Meg and mum) both think you are great and i love their blog makeovers, so I would love to chat about my blog with you sometime.
Have a great weekend
Cheers Fiona
Katrina please take a look at my blog , and see how desperately I need your specialist help. I know Hope Island Home & Living could look amazing ! And then I will have the confidence to soar…………….
Karyn x
I love seeing your work. I would love love love a blog makeover. I’ve never had one and have had my blog for 18mths. Would love your help!
Jodi Jacobs
These are always soooo amazing love seeing the new designs & would definately love owning one too :):)
sonia kircher
I really love my website and have sometime great difficulty in keeping it looking fresh and alive and up to date. I often look at blogs in envy and think how fabulous they are in bright and bold colours! Whilst I love my site someone has also hacked it to wreck it and this is my second attempt at an online store so I am disappointed with it and feel it needs much TLC. I would love to win this PRIZE thanks so much
sonia k
Crossing fingers and toes, Katrina, you generous girl. It’s time I had you wave your magic wand again! J x
Hi lovely, my poor little blog could do with a makeover. (:
Nancy Yuskaitis
Katrina, What a wonderful idea to give away a blog makeover! I love the idea and would appreciate a fresh new way to express my passion for color & design as a jewelry artist in my blog. My designs are happy & many are inspired by an Island attitude, seashells, sunsets & the sea in my Island Beach Collection. Wishing you a Merry & Colorful Holiday,
Dear Baby G
This is just what my blog needs! I hope I havent entered too late. Incredibly generous giveaway xx
Am i too late? God, I hope not. I neeeed you. Don’t want to sound too desperate. Am trying to set up a business blog/web site myself at the moment, not having much luck!