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I went out last night and this is what I wore

I had a great night out last night for a 40th Birthday party. Feeling a little weary today though! We got on a bus to a winery for dinner and then headed back in to town to a pub for some dancing and fun. Great night out! Today I am lazing around in my pj's …


I had a great night out last night for a 40th Birthday party. Feeling a little weary today though! We got on a bus to a winery for dinner and then headed back in to town to a pub for some dancing and fun. Great night out! Today I am lazing around in my pj’s and will be having a very quiet day!

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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Trish

    September 11, 2011

    A winery & dancing, sounds like a great time. Love your outfit!
    Happy sunday!!

  2. Annie @ My White Homestead

    September 11, 2011

    watching the mighty wallabies!!!!

  3. loulou

    September 11, 2011

    Hi katrina

    I can imagine you in exactly that – you would have looked stunning.
    I hope there was some Karaoke there – apparently you like to sing πŸ™‚


  4. Kimberly

    September 11, 2011

    Cute outfit! Love the bangles πŸ™‚ We had my sons 3rd birthday party, lots of kids, cake and fun! Needless to say he had a blast at his ' Under the Sea' party!

  5. Tanz111

    September 12, 2011

    Love, love, love your style!! And Amie's too πŸ™‚ I loved all the jackets that you wore on the block too – where did you get them?? You always look fantastic πŸ™‚

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