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I have 3 weddings this year & these are my outfits

I have 3 weddings to go to this year. I saw a couple on dresses on ASOS and thought I should snavel them up. I thought if I bought them online with plenty of time to spare then I could get them altered or return them if they weren't right. I don't normally buy such …


I have 3 weddings to go to this year. I saw a couple on dresses on ASOS and thought I should snavel them up. I thought if I bought them online with plenty of time to spare then I could get them altered or return them if they weren’t right. I don’t normally buy such things online because I’m frightened they won’t fit! The purple one needs a bit of altering around the boobies but the black is perfect! Yay!

Yes, there are only 2 dresses, but 3 weddings so I’ll wear one of them again, mix and match or maybe I’ll find another great deal online!

Do you buy clothes online? If so, what are your favourite shops?

Shoes are from FSW and Novo. I don’t spend a pile of money on shoes. I prefer the quantity of shoes! The more the merrier. Those purple and orange ones are as cute as a button! I really hope I can wear them when the time comes. I’ve been having problems with arthritis in my ankle. Fingers crossed I have a good day.

I’ll also be wearing a jewelled hair clip. I’ve been told these are really hot at the moment.

I have a big black clip similar to this one Sarah-Jessica Parker is wearing. I just need to find it (after we moved house!!). I love it! I’m going to do that. Except maybe hair all out and one side pulled up??

And I hear the glomesh is in. So I’ll be taking along one of these. I’ll fiddle with it all night, I just know it. Love the feel of this stuff!

Then of course I’ll have coloured nails. NO chips. “Chipped nail polish still revolts me.” Ref Faux Fuchsia. 😉

Orange? Or hot pink? I’ll be colour-blocking with the purple dress and orange nails I think.

Have a great day everyone. Don’t forget to enter my giveaways!


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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. Kerri

    February 7, 2012

    I freaking LOVE that little clutch. Where did you get it? I love that stuff. I have a little black one Made from the same stuff and just love it. I love the feeling

    • Katrina

      February 7, 2012

      Hi Kerri, it’s actually my sister-in-law’s and her mother bought it for her so I’m not sure. There are heaps on ebay though. Or google some 🙂

  2. Bernadette

    February 7, 2012

    Stunning dresses, oops my red nail polish is chipped 🙁 haha

  3. Tahlia

    February 7, 2012

    Hi Katrina, I love the black dress and the patterned shoes – they would look good together as well! Nice one! I was in Melbourne yesterday and thought I would do a sneaky drive by of ‘The Block’ ha ha! Brings back memories of lining up for hours and hours lol! Houses still look the same. Have you or Amie been back?

    • Katrina

      February 7, 2012

      We haven’t Tahlia! I’ll be in Melb a few times in the next couple of months, so I will be going by!

  4. Cathy

    February 7, 2012

    Love the outfits! I’ve started to do more online clothes shopping in my “old age” lol. My favorite place to shop is Birdsnest! Things will be right 95% of time because girls are so good at providing all the details! If something is wrong, you can easily return with no fuss. And delivery is always super fast 🙂

  5. Jode

    February 7, 2012

    OMG! You are one organised lady, you will look awesome.
    Of course, you will post the photos of your outfits all put together.
    Now all you have to do is coordinate Chambo! I can see him in orange and purple??? lol
    Have a great day.
    x Jode

    • Katrina

      February 7, 2012

      Hi Jode, ha yep Chambo’s all organised too! I have a purple/silver tie for him!!

  6. Karen@RestyledVintage

    February 7, 2012

    omg glomesh! I remember when I was about 13 I totally lusted after a silver Oroton glomesh wallet and was lucky enough to get one for my birthday, gosh I loved that wallet. It is long gone now, I think it was replaced by an addiction to Ken Done wallets, lol. Maybe they will be ‘back’ next, with their bright retro designs…hmmm…

    I haven’t bought any clothes online from overseas, I look on Asos and there just seems so many choices I don’t know where to begin 🙂

    xx Karen

    • Katrina

      February 7, 2012

      Ken Done… laughing! Hahaha!

  7. Brismod

    February 7, 2012

    Love your choices. They look very flattering. I have a similar dress to the black one in teal which I wore to a wedding last year. The draping around the hips were forgiving of the child bearing I have done!! And I carried a vintage glomesh purse too. Love a wedding. xx

  8. Christina @ Hair Romance

    February 7, 2012

    Gorgeous! Definitely orange nails with the purple shoes x

  9. Felicity

    February 7, 2012

    Awesome outfits K – the shoes, oh the shoes!

    I just inherited some amazing Oroton glomesh from my Grandmother, a little gold purse identical to the one you’ve shown here is my greatest treasure & yes, it’s all about how it feels in the hand.

    Can’t wait to see you glammed up – hope you share.

    Happy day!

  10. hayley

    February 7, 2012

    hello lovely, i also love shopping online, too much sometimes. Yes ASOS is so good, i love Topshop,,,, there are so many.. you will look awesome ! xx H

  11. Ellie

    February 7, 2012

    Love the outfits and the site Asos is awesome! I got some work friends onto it lately and the bargains they picked up on there were awesome!
    I just did a post yesterday about my fav online shopping stores! I love online shopping (mainly because I live in the sticks and havent got much choice otherwise! lol)
    Love the shoes too! The black ones are so cute!
    Ellie xo

    • Katrina

      February 7, 2012

      Oh am going to check out what you wrote! Thaks Ellie x

  12. Jo

    February 7, 2012

    Must do orange nails with the purple. Love that combination. And I LOVE those shoes. They are just a bit on the chevron print side too.

    Have just had a glomesh flashback when you said about the feel of it. I remember playing with my Mum’s glomesh handbag. Ahhh. And I also remember the glomesh tops the models used to wear on “Sale of the Century”. I always wanted one. Thank god I never went there.

    As for online shops, I buy so much online, but never clothes. Too much of a chicken and couldn’t be bothered sending them back if they weren’t right! Lazy me.

  13. Kira

    February 7, 2012

    I love the look of those outfits and the shoes! Great taste!
    For online shopping I go with Asos, Ally Fashion, SES Fashion, Surfstitch and then will buy from Jeanwest, Supre, Betts etc when they have sales on if I can’t get my size in store. Strawberrynet is great for hair & beauty products and I can’t go past ebay or etsy either…. Fair to say that I do most of my shopping online at the moment!

    • Kira

      February 7, 2012

      Sorry, I don’t know why that posted my blog link in the middle of the comment. 😐

  14. Holly

    February 7, 2012

    I love buying stuff online, i get worried though when i buy dresses because I’m tall sometimes they end up looking ridiculously short on me!

    • Katrina

      February 7, 2012

      Yes I do too Holly. I’m tall so it’s always a bit of a risk. I bought a green dress last year online and it’s ended up going to my friend because it was more like a top on me!

  15. penny barns

    February 7, 2012

    ooh la la,
    HOT dam hot!
    i love both those outfits.
    and i need to grab my mums glowmesh bag. i used to play dress ups with it
    Pen x

  16. Rhi @ Hummingbird's Song

    February 7, 2012

    Absolutely loving that black dress. I was on ASOS the other night, such an evil site it is! Gorgeous clothes at ridiculous prices, and free shipping to boot. Very bad for my credit card! x

    • Katrina

      February 7, 2012

      Dangerous that’s for sure 🙂

  17. Roslyn

    February 7, 2012

    Gorgeous outfits! I love Glomesh – my Nan gave me her glomesh clutches a few years back and I use them all the time!

  18. Leonie -Australia

    February 7, 2012

    Love those shoes with the pattern, I am not game to buy clothes & shoes online I have enough trouble getting the fit I want trying on dozens of things in the shop.

  19. Anna@MyDesignEthos

    February 7, 2012

    I don’t buy a lot of clothes online but I always buy ball dresses online (I go to a regular ball with some girlfriends each year). You can get some great deals. Love the colour blocking outfit Katrina!

  20. Lucy

    February 7, 2012

    I prefer the Original Glomesh, the actual brand Glomesh. Nothing beats it. Other brands should be just called “mesh” like the cheapy one you are showing here. Still cute though.

    • Katrina

      February 8, 2012

      Lucky I have originals then Lucy!

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