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Get Organised

I am writing today about organisation. I have always been a pretty organised person and find it hard to understand how some people just can't get their sh*t together. So here are my thoughts on how you can achieve some small organisation in your life....I don't write lists all the time. No need if you …

I am writing today about organisation.
I have always been a pretty organised person and find it hard to understand how some people just can’t get their sh*t together. So here are my thoughts on how you can achieve some small organisation in your life….
I don’t write lists all the time. No need if you do things as you see them. I am very good at making mental notes and if I am on top of things there is no need to list write all the time.
I don’t worry about what’s happening next week. Doesn’t interest me. I don’t think about what I have coming up next week… I deal with that next week. All am I focused on is now, later this afternoon and maybe 2 days ahead. People who make me plan things for something happening in 3 weeks time irritate me. It just has me running in circles being this far ahead of time. It takes too much time away from ‘today’ or ‘tomorrow’. That’s a distant priority, it’s what I can achieve today that has me more organised.
I don’t ever go to bed with a messy house. It’s not always a clean spotless house, just a tidy house. Everything has a place and everything in its place. My biggest rule is nothing on the kitchen benches or the floor at all. I cannot think straight if I see things that can clearly go in the bin or away in a cupboard. I make the kids help, I make the hubby help. I bribe, I beg, I plead. It has to be done every day. If the kids made the mess, they clean it up that night. No questions. I do not see the point in running myself in the ground all the time and I do not think that being organised is being mean to them.
I do not have spotless cupboards, I don’t have everything folded and ever so perfectly lined up. I am realistic. BUT I do have everything in cupboards. Not on the floor, stacked on a chair or on a desk.
I do not DO clutter. I do not have anything in my house that I don’t use or wear. If it was not used or worn last year, then it’s out the door. If you are overwhelmed at this thought, don’t think you have to do this all in one go. It’s a progression. It may take you months to achieve, but it’s an important goal and an important function of running an organised house.
Things on this list that need to be culled frequently:
* newspapers (I read and throw away that same day)
* toiletries (drives me mad when I see people with 6 bottles of something – 1 shampoo and 1 conditioner is all that is needed)
* cleaning products (as above)
* food (you do not need 10 cans of soup, 5 jars of flour….etc…give some away or eat it before you add to the clutter!)
* toys (these do not venture into every room of the house… it’s overwhelming and the house cannot function with them everywhere)
* laundry (find a basket or a cupboard where you can stash dirty clothes and ironing. Washing does not belong on the dining table. If it’s there, you need to wash more often so there is less hanging around, or go naked for a few days!)
These are just some of my tips. I might come back with some more over the weekend.
If you feel like tackling some areas of your home, I suggest baby steps. Plan for your day tomorrow. Think about it tonight. You do not need money to be organised. You need the time and you need the patience to start it. Remember to focus on 1 thing at a time and only look at what you can achieve today and tomorrow, not in 3 weeks.
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Full-time day job as interior designer for sustainable construction company Passionate about creating beautiful, functional spaces tailored to clients' needs and styles.


  1. A-M

    May 20, 2010

    You really are my long lost sister…. you are me!… yep clutter… no way. I'm the same, house has to be tidy and kitchen clean before bed. Yes, my cupboards aren't perfect but everything has it's place… as long as the kids know where that place is, they are encouraged to put it there. I too do not hoard, clothes or toiletries…oh and I am the same about planning weeks ahead. If family ask me what day I am free in a months time… grrr, how do I know…yep a few days ahead but that's about it… oh except when building a house, then you have to think ahead somewhat.. great post… love it – real advice. A-M xx

  2. Julie-Ann

    May 20, 2010

    Great tips- especially about the part where the hubby and the children help. With the sore foot I am asking them to do more. But I have sadly noticed they don't seem to get the concept of wiping down surfaces. I will have them fully trained when this 8 weeks is up:)

  3. A Bite of Country Cupcakes

    May 20, 2010

    You and I my love must be from the very same mould!
    I have more clutter than you'd ever have and my small house limits my home to looking cluttered.
    But boy iget done in a day what many I know do in a week.
    I am not superwoman thats just me,I wonder how slower,unmotivated people actually get things done,or kids to bed on time or dinner eaten before 9pm!
    I am what I am …..Though I would love to have more free time*wink*
    My kids too are trained to pick up if you pull out

  4. Elements

    May 20, 2010

    Katrina, I love the thoughts you have imparted to us today…you know most of what your saying is how I operate my home and some of them are how I want to operate my home so its great to re affirm these things in my mind. Well written. wink smile

  5. Alison

    May 20, 2010

    Great post katrina.
    Mmm… I think I lack the enthusiasm to really get started on the big things. One step at a time. Tomorrow is the first day in weeks I will have to myself so instead of going out for coffee with a friend I will, yes I really will start on one room and declutter. Max says just throw it out but I keep saying lets have a garage sale. Maybe I should just do what he says and chuck it!! Then its gone.

  6. Alison Gibbs

    May 20, 2010

    Great post katrina.
    Mmm… I think I lack the enthusiasm to really get started on the big things. One step at a time. Tomorrow is the first day in weeks I will have to myself so instead of going out for coffee with a friend I will, yes I really will start on one room and declutter. Max says just throw it out but I keep saying lets have a garage sale. Maybe I should just do what he says and chuck it!! Then its gone.

  7. A Cajun Down Under

    May 20, 2010

    Great ideas! I am with you on picking up before bed. Nothing worse than starting the day with a messy house. Need to work on the dining room table though. It seems to be a catch all for everything that comes into the house.

  8. Tina

    May 20, 2010

    Fabulous tips Katrina. I usually do ok with this, but have let things slide a little with all my study. But you have inspired me and as of tomorrow our home will once again be organised (not perfect….but organised!!). Hope you are having a wonderful week ~ Tina xx

  9. Pine Tree Home

    May 21, 2010

    I've been in my house for 12 years and can you believe I am just starting to find a place for everything. Over the last couple of years I tried to live by the don't use it, it goes rule. I am loving less clutter and have no regrets. My biggest change was organizing my basement. Can I tell you I am in love with my new shelves and everything having a place. It's still a work in progress, but soooo much better than before! Glad I happened across your blog.

  10. Oh Gorgeous Baby

    May 24, 2010

    I like this post Katrina. Alot of what you say I do try to do but to be honest I think sometimes I get a bit lost on where that places is where things belong. When it comes to my kitchen bench it seems to love attracting clutter and I sort and re-home but sometimes it sits there for a bit until I can get the courage to deal with it all.
    I am very lucky that my hubby and kids all help around the house. My Mum always had us helping and as kids we use to think we were getting ripped off knowing some of our friends still didn't even make their own beds! but now im so glad she did it. Mum wasn't as lucky with help from my Dad (that era I suppose)but Im glad my hubby is so helpful.
    I will keep reading your posts and if you hear my husband and kids either laughing or groaning at me you know i have gone crazy in my late nesting stages and thrown the bath water out … just lucky the baby isn't here yet hey! LOL Always learning new things reading your blog. Thanks for sharing and for being REAL!

  11. Amanda

    May 27, 2010

    Another great post of tips Katrina – I can tell you have a similar way of thinking to me in terms of tidying up before bed and hating any form of clutter. Sometimes I find I'm a bit too ruthless when I cull and a few months down the track wish I'd kept something but I'd rather that than a house filled with unnecessary things.

  12. Hearn

    June 8, 2010

    I do have a question: I have inherited a room full of my Mother's belongings which I do not have room for. I am hesitant to get rid of them just yet because it is all that I have of hers and I do not want to have any regrets. However, it has currently taken over our family room and every time I see them I just want to run the other way! Any suggestions?

  13. Juli

    June 15, 2010

    Hi, Katrina, I just found your blog and began with this post. LOVE it! From time to time I write about decluttering on my blog, too. A favorite activity.

    Ideas for Hearn, who is concerned about parting with Mother's things:

    1. First off, remember these are just things. They could all go tomorrow and you would still have your memories of your mother, who has imprinted herself on your heart. Letting go of stuff does not mean letting go of her.
    2. That said, pick out some small number of objects from all you've inherited that mean the most to you. Try to keep it under 5, if they are big (like furniture) and under 10, if they are little. Keep these for yourself.
    3. Invite your nieces, nephews, siblings–anybody who knew and loved your mother–to pick a piece or two for themselves.
    4. After every single person has picked their choices, donate all the rest to a charity your mother would've liked. If the charity isn't the kind that can take the actual objects, consider having a garage sale and donating the money to the charity.
    5. Inevitably there may be one or two things you will have second thoughts about having parted with. Don't beat yourself up about it! Your mother wouldn't want you to do that!

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